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Home Page : Publications
Contributions (last delay 15 June 1996)

[1] Contribution from Working Party 4A
[2] Preliminary input from WP 10-11S
[3] AUS: Procedural issues of RS18 (discussion paper)
[4] Rapporteur, SC-5: OUTLINE OF THE REPORT OF SC-5
[5] LUX: Procedural issues related to RS18
[6] UK, LUX: Due Diligence Considerations
[7] UK: Reservation of capacity without actual use
[8] USA: Improved GSO Coordination Approach in Congested FSS Bands
[9] USA: Review of coordination and planning framwork of the ITU - case of inactive assignments
[10] USA: The use of "due diligence" in frequency coordination of GSO FSS satellite networks
[11] J: Discussion paper on RS18 (provisional input, without attachemnt)
[12] RE: Preliminary input from 10-11S (Comments from MultiChoice, AFS)
[13] H. Meyerhof: Paper satellite contribution to the congestion of the GSO Spectrum
[14] EUTELSAT: The Role of the Intergovernmental Organizations Operating Satellite Systems
[15] S.M.ARAUJO (B): Comments in relation to the issues concerning SC-5
[16] United Kingdom, Germany: Satellite Monitoring (with Annexes)
[17] FJI: Special needs of the developing countries and the geographical situation of particular countries
[18] KOR: Discussion paper on Res.18

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