Doc. SC-RG4/038 23 August 1996 From: T. Kiyasu (Japan) To: Rapporteur, Rapporteur Group SC-4 To: Participants in RG SC-4 Subject: Comment to the Table of Contents of SC-4 Dear Mr. Leive Thank you very much for your sending the Table of Contents for preliminary SC-4 Report which you are to distribute on 15 September. With respect to your proposed Table of Contents, Japan would like to make a comment as follows. In the section A.2 of the SC-4 Report you proposed to describe the problems and why they exist. You are listing reasons under subsections from A.2.b to A.2.e. We regard this approach as important and helpful to solve the problems related to the Resolution 18. Based on this approach, Japan would like to propose that the section A.2 should include a sub-section A.2.b-bis, i.e.: b-bis The Existence of Systems Recorded in the MIFR but which will never be Brought into Use: Reservation of Capacity Without Actual Use ("Paper Satellite") The subsection A.2.b consists of four different categories. However, these four seem to concentrate only on "Paper Satellites" as being Overfiled Satellites. In this regard, Japan would like to point that the word "Reservation of Capacity Without Actual Use" is defined "one of the major problems is the existence of systems ... recorded in the MIFR, but which will never be brought into use." in the Report of WGRAG (Doc.WGRAG 1/10 (Rev.1)-E dated 7th April 1995), recognising that this type of paper satellites is also one of the categories of problems of Paper Satellites. In concurring this recognition, Region 3 Forum on Resolution 18 also reached the same conclusion as in WGRAG Report. Thank you very much for your kind attention in this matter. Sincerely yours, Taku Kiyasu Senior Advisor Telecommunications Bureau Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Japan Phone: +81-3-3504-4842 Fax: +81-3-3580-5754 E-mail