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Contributions to JWP 10-11S (1996-97)

Chairman''s report on the second meeting of Working Party 10-11S
[10-11S/001] Chairman's report
[10-11S/001] Chairman's report
[10-11S/001] Chairman's report
[10-11S/001] Chairman's report
[10-11S/001] Chairman's report
[10-11S/001] Chairman's report
[10-11S/001] Chairman's report
[10-11S/001] Chairman's report
[10-11S/001] Chairman's report
[10-11S/001] Chairman's report
[10-11S/001] Chairman's report
[10-11S/001] Annex 5 to CR
[10-11S/001] Annex 5 to CR
[10-11S/001] Annex 5 to CR
[10-11S/001] Annex 5 to CR
[10-11S/001] Annex 5 to CR
Annex 5 to CR
[10-11S/001] Annex 6 to CR
[10-11S/2,10-11R/2,11-1/3,11-2/2,11-3/2,11E/2] Liaison statement to WPs 11b, 11c, 11e, 11f, 10-11r and 10-11s and TGs 11/1, 11/2 and 11/3 and ITU-T SG 9
[10-11S/3] Liaison statement to wp10-11s (studies on sharing between MS and BSS-Sound)
[10-11S/4,10-11R/3,11-1/3,11-2/3,11-3/4,11E/3] Liaison statement to WPs 11b, 11c, 11d, 11e, 11f, 10-11r and 10-11s and TGs 11/1, 11/2 and 11/3 and ITU-T SG9
[10-11S/5,11-3/5] Liaison statement to ITU-R TG11/3 - Decision - appointment of special rapporteurs
[10-11S/6,10-11R/11,11-1/4,11-2/4,11-3/6,11B/3,11C/3,11E/4] Liaison statement to WPs 11b, 11c, 11e, 10-11r, 10-11s and TGs 11/1, 11/2 and 11/3
[10-11S/7] Implementation of paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4 of the annex to Res. 531(WRC-95)
[10-11S/7-r1] Revision 1 to Doc. 10-11S/7
[10-11S/7-r2] Revision 2 to Doc. 10-11S/7
[10-11S/8] Radio propagation factors to be taken into consideration in the revision of appendices 30 and 30A (for regions 1&3) of the radio regulations (WRC-95 Res.531)
[10-11S/8-r1] Revision 1 to Doc.10-11S/8
[10-11S/8-r2] Revision 2 to Doc. 10-11S/8
[10-11S/9] Revision of plans contained in appendices 30 and 30A (Question ITU-R 85-1/11)
[10-11S/10,10-11R/17,10-3/2,10-4/1,10B/2,10C/6] Covering note by the Chairman of TG1/4 - January 1996 for liaison statement to other study groups
[10-11S/11] Liaison statement from ITU-R TG1/3 to WPS 10A, 10B, 10-11S and 11C - Montecarlo method for modelling spurious emissions interference
[10-11S/12] Draft contribution to ITU-R WP 10-11S - EBU comments on the annex to Res. 531 (GT-PLEN-1)
[10-11S/13] Experimental multi-programme satellite television emissions
[10-11S/14,10-11R/19,11-1/5,11-2/11,11-3/18] Report of the Rapporteur on Vocabulary
[10-11S/15] Report on a subject of harmonization of user definable element of MPEG-2 systems elements
[10-11S/16] Summary record of the first 1996 meeting of the JWP 10-11S Special Rapporteur's Group
[10-11S/17] Planning exercises for the implementation of approaches A and B for the revision of the appendices 30 and 30A plans for regions 1 & 3
[10-11S/18] ABU position on the revision of the WARC-BSS-77 plan and the associated WARC-ORB-88 feeder link plan
[10-11S/19] Rain climatic zones used for planning exercises
[10-11S/20] Technical description of the general instrument MPEG-2
[10-11S/21] Standard parameters
[10-11S/22] BSS Planning exercises
[10-11S/23] Liaison statement to Working Party 10-11S
[10-11S/24] Characteristics of a 12 GHz global system proposed by the United States
[10-11S/25] The problem of "Paper Satellites" in connections with proposed modifications to the BSS Plans
[10-11S/26] The scope of WP 10-11S planning exercises for the revision of Appendices 30 and 30A
[10-11S/27] Measured protection ratios for PAL FM television interference into digital television transmission in the BSS band
[10-11S/28] Information relating to the DSS digital multiprogramme system
[10-11S/30,10-11R/21,10-3/3,10-4/2,10-5/5,10A/10,10B/4,10C/7] Information paper
[10-11S/31,11A/10] Liaison statement from ITU-R TG 11/3 to WPs 11A and 10-11S and ITU-TSG9
[10-11S/32,11B/18,11C/26] Liaison statement from ITU-T SG9 - ITU-R Questions 47-1/11, 207-1/11, 232/11, 241/11
[10-11S/33,11C/27] Liaison statement - Physical layer of multichannel multipoint distribution systems
[10-11S/34] Liaison statement to WP 10-11s - Consideration of RR Appendix 30B procedures in the revision of the RR Appendices 30 and 30A plans
[10-11S/35-1] Part 1: Report of the Chairman on the first meeting
[10-11S/35-2] Part 2: Report of the Chairman on the first meeting
[10-11S/36] Liaison statement to ITU-R SGs 4, 7, 8, 10 and 11
[10-11S/37,10-11R/23,10-11/37,11-2/24,11-3/39,11A/18,11B/22,11C/30,11E/27] A proposal for increasing the value of ITU Recommendations
[10-11S/38] Liaison statement from WP9A to WP10-11S
[10-11S/39] Liaison statement form WP 9D to WP 10-11S
[10-11S/40,10B/8,11C/32] Liaison statement from TG1-3
[10-11S/41] Liaison statement from WP 3M - Report to CPM97
[10-11S/42,10A/21,10B/11,11C/33] Liaison statement on frequency tolerance of transmitters
[10-11S/43] Comments on the input contribution form JWP 10-11S Preliminary report to SC-4 and SC-5 Resolution18
[10-11S/44] The case for retaining the procedures governing the planned broadcasting-satellite service with appendices 30 and 30A
[10-11S/45] Use of BSS plan assignments for FSS transmissions
[10-11S/46] Proposed step 2 BSS Plan for Region 3
[10-11S/46-c1] Editorial corrections to Doc. 10-11S/46
[10-11S/47] Translation frequencies used in the BSS Planning Exercises in Region 3
[10-11S/48] ASIA BSS (DAB) system characteristics
[10-11S/49] L-Band satellite trials
[10-11S/50] Reference parameters for planning exercises
[10-11S/51] Satellite software: Optimal ellipse generation
[10-11S/52] Item 8 of the WRC-97 agenda OEPM calculation methods and definition of associated protection ratios
[10-11S/53] Comments on the draft Report on the regulatory/procedural aspects of the revision of Appendices 30/30A for Regions 1 and 3
[10-11S/54] Propagation models for the Revision of WARC-BS 77
[10-11S/55] Interference criteria methodologies
[10-11S/56] Structure of the current and simplified procedures relating to Appendices 30 and 30A frequency bands in Regions 1, 2 and 3
[10-11S/57] Summary of the modifications to Appendices 30/30A procedures not related to the simplification of the procedures
[10-11S/58] Procedures of Appendix 30 (proposed new section of the draft report to SCRPM)
[10-11S/59] Procedures of Appendix 30A
[10-11S/60] Appendix 30/30A implication of Regions 1/3 and Region 2
[10-11S/61] Modification procedures of Appendix 30 in Regions 1, 2 and 3
[10-11S/62] Modification procedures of Appendix 30A in Regions 1, 2 and 3
[10-11S/63] Comparison of Article 10 and Appendices 30/30A
[10-11S/64] Appendix S6
[10-11S/65] Consolidated Article T4 and Appendix S6
[10-11S/66] Comparison of Article T10 with Article S9
[10-11S/67] Merging of T10 with S9/S11/S12/S13/S14
[10-11S/68] Comparison between Article 6 and Annex 3 of Appendix 30 and Article S9 and Appendix S5
[10-11S/69] Comparison between Article 7 and Annex 4 of Appendix 30 and Article S9 and Appendix S5
[10-11S/70] Procedures of Article 6 of Appendix 30A
[10-11S/71] Procedures of Article 7 of Appendix 30A
[10-11S/72] Inconsistencies within Article S9/Appendix S5 in relation to Appendices S30 and S30A
[10-11S/73] Improvements to Article S9 not related to the simplification of the procedures
[10-11S/74] Consolidated proposal for Article S9 and Appendix S5 Provisions replacing Articles 6 and 7 of Appendices 30 and 30A
[10-11S/75] Comparison of Article 5 of Appendix 30 with Article S11
[10-11S/76] Comparison of Article 5 of Appendix 30A with Article S11
[10-11S/77] Article T5 - Procedures for the notification of frequency assignments included in the Plans of Appendices S30 and S30A
[10-11S/78] Documents submitted to the 1st meeting of WP 10-11S to be considered by the 2nd meeting of WP10-11S
[10-11S/79] Status of text of WP 10-11S
[10-11S/80] Draft Resolution - Implementation of the Decisions relating to Appendices S30/S30A
[10-11S/81] Work organization - Meeting of October 16-26, 1996
[10-11S/82] Update of the CARIBSS (DAB) system characteristics
[10-11S/83,8A/29,8B/31,8D/111] Comments on draft new Recommendation - Coordination thrsholds and techniques for the protection of aeronautical mobile.....
[10-11S/84] Technical parameters for the modernization of the WARC-BS Plan
[10-11S/85] Convergence to a worldwide standard for digital multiprogramme emissions by satellite
[10-11S/86] Proposed draft new Recommednation - Common functional requirements for the reception of digital multiprogramme television .....
[10-11S/87] Feasibility of common functional requirements for satellite multiprogramme TV reception architecture and cost estimations
[10-11S/88] New transmit and receive antenna patterns for the revision of the BSS feeder-link Plan in Regions 1 & 3
[10-11S/89] Protection masks and associated interference calculation methods for the BSS plans
[10-11S/90-1] Part 1: Planning exercises for the revision of the appendices 30 and 30A plans for regions 1 & 3
[10-11S/90-2] Part 2: Planning exercises for the revision of the appendices 30 and 30A plans for regions 1 & 3
[10-11S/90-3] Part 3: Planning exercises for the revision of the appendices 30 and 30A plans for regions 1 & 3
[10-11S/90-4] Part 4: Planning exercises for the revision of the appendices 30 and 30A plans for regions 1 & 3
[10-11S/90-5] Part 5: Planning exercises for the revision of the appendices 30 and 30A plans for regions 1 & 3
[10-11S/91] Interference calculation methods
[10-11S/92] Report on the experience in the application of Appendices 30 and 30A
[10-11S/94] Executive summary of the work undertaken by the bureau for the implementation of Res. T.31
[10-11S/95] Advance copy of the bureau's circular letter on the use of the new test points for the implementation of the step 2 of planning exercises
[10-11S/97] Step 2 of planning exercises - Draft technical parameters for "new countries"
[10-11S/98,10B/17] Considerations of L-Band RF filter complexity and HPA output backoff
[10-11S/99,10B/18] White noise power equivalent to a sloped interference
[10-11S/100,10B/19] Adjacent channel selectivity and receiver dynamic range VS RF spectrum mask
[10-11S/101] Structure of the WP 10-11S summary report to CPM-97
[10-11S/102,10B/23] Status of market exploitation of digital system A (Eureka 147 DAB)
[10-11S/103] Draft report by the radiocommunication bureau on steps 1, 2 and 3 of the planning exercises
[10-11S/104] Reply to the liaison statement from WP 9D regarding RF channel arrangements for digital radio systems
[10-11S/105] Liaison statement to Working Party 9D
[10-11S/106] Response to liaison statement from WP 8A - Studies on sharing between MS and BSS (sound)
[10-11S/107] Update to Table 9 of BSS(S) parameter examples relevant to sharing studies in the 1-3 GHz range
[10-11S/108,10B/25] Status of test and evaluation program for digital sound broadcasting systems
[10-11S/109] Proposed addition to Report on digital sound broadcasting systems
[10-11S/110] US vies on the ability of "due diligence"principles to help mitigate the problem of "Paper satellites" in frequency bands used by the BSS
[10-11S/111] Additional text for Section 6 of Report ITU-R BO.2008 - Digital multiprogramme broacasting by satellite
[10-11S/112-1] Part 1: Analysis of 2 GHz propagation data in support of the design of satellite terrestrial broadcasting systems such as digital system B
[10-11S/112-2] Part 2: Analysis of 2 GHz propagation data in support of the design of satellite terrestrial broadcasting systems such as digital system B
[10-11S/112-3] Part 3: Analysis of 2 GHz propagation data in support of the design of satellite terrestrial broadcasting systems such as digital system B
[10-11S/113] Approaches for the "Simplification" of the procedures of Appendices 30 and 30A
[10-11S/114] Resolution 18 of PP-94
[10-11S/115] DTH considerations arising from Resolution 18 (Kyoto, 1994)
[10-11S/116] Principles and methodology for implementing Step 3 of the BSS planning exercises mandated by Resolution 531
[10-11S/117] Information relating to technological advances in digital video compression
[10-11S/118] BSS systems for the 40.5 to 42.5 Ghz band
[10-11S/119] Broadcasting satellite (sound) planning considerations
[10-11S/121] Liaison statement from WP7D to WP10-11S
[10-11S/122] Satellite digital audio broadcasting: Use of L-Band
[10-11S/124] Regulatory/Procedural aspects and interference calculation methods and planning exercises
[10-11S/126] Liaison statement from WP7D to TG1/3 and WP10-11S-Eutelsat Doc.1-3 (Rev.1)
[10-11S/127-1] Part 1: Chairman's Report of second meeting (1996-97 period)
[10-11S/127-2] Part 2: Chairman's Report of second meeting
[10-11S/127-3] Part 3: Chairman's Report of second meeting
[10-11S/127-4] Part 4: Chairman's Report of second meeting
[10-11S/127-5] Part 5: Chairman's Report of second meeting
[10-11S/127-6] Part 6: Chairman's Report of second meeting
[10-11S/128] Liaison statement from WP8A - Sharing studies between MS and BSS (Sound)
[10-11S/129] Liaison statement from WP 8B
[10-11S/130,10-11R/27,10C/20,11B/24,11C/46,11E/31] Liaison statement from WP 11A - Draft Questionnaire on user requirements for electronic news gathering
[10-11S/131] Liaison statement from Working Party 11A
[10-11S/132,10/13] Liaison statement from SG 9 on the draft new Rec. on coordination thresholds for the BSS ....
[10-11S/133] Liaison statement from WP 3M - Propagation characteristics of satellite digital sound broadcasting at the L- and S-band
[10-11S/134] Planning exercices in preparation for the revision of Appendices 30 and 30A
[10-11S/135] Protection masks and associated interference calculation methods to be used in ...
[10-11S/136] Liaison statement from WP 1A to JWP 10-11S - Coordination methods described in Annex 3 of Appendix 30
[10-11S/137] Liaison statement from SG4 - Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.736-2
[10-11S/138] Liaison statement from SG4 - Criteria for interference between TV/FM carriers operating in FSS bands
[10-11S/139] Liaison statement from WP4A to WP 10-11S
[10-11S/140] Liaison statement to the SCRPM and WP 10-11S - Applicable sharing criteria to protect the FSS in one region from modifications to the BSS plan in another region
[10-11S/141] Liaison statement to SGs 1 and 7 and to WPs 8D and 10-11S for information - Spurious emissions
[10-11S/142,1/47,7/115] Liaison statement to SGs 1 and 7, and to WPs 8D and 10-11S for information
[10-11S/143] Solution for very low overall equivalent protection margins due to a degraded downlink path-third category of low margins
[10-11S/144] Sharing feasibility of non-geostationary satellite networks and geostationary-satellite networks operating in the broadcasting satellite service plans
[10-11S/145] Status of texts of Study Group 10 Working Parties and Task Groups
[10-11S/146,11/69,11A/90,11B/38,11C/57,11E/41,10-11R/32,11-2/38] Status of texts of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[10-11S/147] EBU/ITU ellipse generation program
[10-11S/148] ITU-R planning work for the revision of the WARC-77 BSS plan: proposal for reduction of EIRP values for the feeder-links of the 12 GHz BSS in the Regions 1 and 3
[10-11S/149] On alternative approached to Step 2 of the BSS planning exercises
[10-11S/150] Relative fill factor, a performance measurement criterion for Steps 1, 2 and 3 of the BSS Planning Exercises
[10-11S/151] PFD limits applicable to non-GSO satellite networks in the 11/12 GHz bands for the protection of the fixed service
[10-11S/152] Proposed corrigendum on the Special Rapporteur's Report - Planning exercises in preparation for the revision of Appendices 30 and 30A plans for regions 1 and 3
[10-11S/153] Proposals for the draft CPM Report - Chapter 6 - Review of Appendices 30 and 30A (WRC-97 Agenda Item 1.10) Operation on non-GSO systems in the frequency bands covered by Appendices 30 and 30A
[10-11S/154] Proposed new Question - Identification of whether and to what extent interference mitigation techniques, sharing criteria and/or protection requirements may allow co-frequency use of frequency assignments in the BSS by non-geostationary ...
[10-11S/155] Identification of technical data that may need amendment for use in revising the appendices 30 and 30A plans for Regions 1 and 3 at WRC-97
[10-11S/156] Organization of work
[10-11S/158] Availability of results on matters for which WRC-95 considered that further studies were required prior to CPM-97 (Section 5.2 of Annex 1 to Resolution 531)
[10-11S/159] Issues requiring consideration by JWP 10-11S
[10-11S/160-1] Part 1: Charimen's report of the third meeting
[10-11S/160-2] Part 2: Chairman's report of the third meeting
[10-11S/160-3] Part 3: Chairman's report of the third meeting
[10-11S/160-4] Part 4: Chairman's report of the third meeting
[10-11S/160-5] Part 5: Chairman's report of the third meeting
[10-11S/161;7B/70;7C/174] Liaison statement from Task Group 1/6: Request for new and revised system parameters for Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix S7
[10-11S/162] Liaison statement to Joint Working Party 10-11S - Development of methods for the determination of the coordination area around earth stations
[10-11S/163] Part 1 - Reply to liaison statement from Working Party 10-11S - Monte Carlo method for modelling spurious emissions interference
[10-11S/163] Part 2 - Reply to liaison statement from Working Party 10-11S - Monte Carlo method for modelling spurious emissions interference
[10-11S/164,10/53,11/129] Liaison statement from TG1/5 to the SGs 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 and JWP 10-11S - Determination and measurement of intermodulation products in transmitter using frequency, phase or digital modulations
[10-11S/165] Liaison statement to ITU-R Joint Working Party 10-11S - Network independent protocols for interactive services
[10-11S/166] Interference calculation methods and planning exercises

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