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Contributions to JWP 10-11R (1996-97)

[10-11R/1] Documents to be considered in the 1996-1997 study period
[10-11R/2,10-11S/2,11-1/2,11-2/2,11-3/2,11E/2] Liaison from the Rapporteur on the coordination of the TV signal chain
[10-11R/3,10-11S/4,11-1/3,11-2/3,11-3/4,11E/3] Liaison statement from Working Party 11A
[10-11R/4] Questions assigned to Working Party 10-11R and action proposed
[10-11R/5] Recommended operating practices when televising programmes on film
[10-11R/6] Proposed Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BR.713/1
[10-11R/7-1] Possible new structure for ITU-R Recommendations related to the use of fil in broadcasting
[10-11R/7-2] Figure of Doc. 10-11R/7
[10-11R/8] Scanned area on super 16 mm film for 16:9 television
[10-11R/9] Draft new Recommendation - Use of super 16 mm film in broadcasting
[10-11R/10] Draft new Question - Broadcasting of programmes with optical surround sound track
[10-11R/11,10-11S/6,11-1/4,11-2/4,11-3/6,11B/3,11C/3,11E/4] Liaison statement from the Rapporteur on the Coordination of the TV signal chain
[10-11R/12] Proposed draft new Recommendation - Broadcasting of film programmes ...
[10-11R/13-1] Part 1: Unified identification label for international exchange of sound and television recordings (Questions 214/10 and 233/11)
[10-11R/13-2] Part 2: Unified identification label for international exchange of sound and television recordings (part 2)
[10-11R/14] Special Rapporteur on Progress in Digital Television Recording
[10-11R/15] Report on enlargement of ITU-R Rec.[10-11R/XP] to other applications
[10-11R/16] Recommendation 779: operating practices for 4:2:2 digital television recording
[10-11R/17,10-11S/10,10-3/2,10-4/1,10B/2,10C/6] Covering note by the Chairman of TG 1/4 - January 1996 for liaison statement to other Study Groups
[10-11R/18] Progress report to Chairman WP 10-11R - Use of television disc recording in broadcaster's operation
[10-11R/19,10-11S/14,11-1/5,11-2/11,11-3/18,11A/7,11B/6,11C/9,11E/15] Report of the Rapporteur on Vocabulary
[10-11R/21,10-11S/30,10-3/3,10-4/2,10-5/5,10A/10,10B/4,10C/7] Information paper
[10-11R/22] Chairman's Report of the first meeting of WP10-11R
[10-11R/23,10-11S/37,10-11/34,11-2/24,11-3/39,11A/18,11B/22,11C/30,11E/27] A proposal for increasing the value of ITU Recommendations
[10-11R/24] Appointment of a Rapporteur on file formats, interfaces and network protocols for digital audio recording and archival for programme production
[10-11R/25] Review of the reports generated by WP 10-11R
[10-11R/25a1] Add.1: Review of the reports generated by WP 10-11R
[10-11R/26] Review of the reports generated by WP 10-11R
[10-11R/27,10-11S/130,10C/20,11B/24,11C/46,11E/31] Liaison statement from WP 11A - Questionnaire on user requirements for electronic news gathering
[10-11R/28] Preliminary Report of the activity of the Rapporteur on file formats, interfaces and network protocols for digital audio recording and archival for programme production
[10-11R/29] Proposal to address file formats, interfaces and network protocols for production and recording
[10-11R/30] Review of the current situation of ITU-R Recommendations on the use of film in TV and proposal of a new Recommendation on the recommended operating practices on the use of film in TV
[10-11R/31] Status of texts of Study Group 10 Working Parties and Task Groups
[10-11R/32,11/69,11A/90,11B/38,11C/57,11E/41,10-11S/146,11-2/38] Status of texts of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[10-11R/33] Report on the Rapporteur Group on file formats, interfaces and network protocols to be used in digital television recording for programme production
[10-11R/34] Activity report on file formats, interfaces and network protocols for digital audio recording and archival for programme production
[10-11R/35] Proposed draft new Recommendation - File format for the exchange of audio programme materials on information technology media
[10-11R/36] Proposed draft new Recommendation - Requirements for the appliction of digital technology to audio archiving systems for radio broadcasting
[10-11R/37] Users requirements for the exchange of television programmes as bit streams
[10-11R/38,10C/24] Draft EBU standard N22-1997 - The Broadcast wave format - A format for audio data files in broadcasting introduction
[10-11R/39,10C/25] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Use of the broadcast wave format for the exchange of audio data files
[10-11R/40,10C/26] Specification of the broadcast wave format - a format for audio data files in broadcasting
[10-11R/41,10C/27] Specification of the broadcast wave format - A format for audio data files in broadcasting (Supplement 1: MPEG audio)
[10-11R/43,11B/43] Liaison statement to Working Parties 11B and 10-11R - Future work on Recommendations applying to programme exchange in the form of packetised single or multiple digital signals
[10-11R/44] Report of the second meeting of Working Party 10-11R in the 1996-1997 study period
[10-11R/45] File management, transfer protocols and physical connections for use in television programme production
[10-11R/46] Liaison statement to WP 10-11R - File formats, interfaces and network protocols for digital television recording for programme production
[10-11R/47] Liaison statement to WP 11A and WP 10-11R
[10-11R/48] Liaison statement to WP 11A and WP 10-11R and the ISO/IEC
[10-11R/49] Draft new Recommendation - Parameters for multi-channel sound recording
[10-11R/50] Studies entrusted on Special Rapporteur Groups of Working Party 10-11R
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