- The PAHO – ITU COVID-19 awareness campaign reached more than 220 000 people in four countries in the Caribbean: Dominica, Grenada, St Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines. More than 2.5 million SMS were delivered with awareness, raising messages and educational information. 80% of the respondents reported that they were positively impacted by the campaign.
- The ninth consecutive mRamadan campaign was conducted in Senegal. The number of registered users reached 180 000. SMS messages were used to deliver valuable health advice, guidance, and reminders to help diabetics manage their condition during the Ramadan fasting, avoid complications, as well as to improve the general knowledge of best practices and safety measures.
- Two new handbooks were developed and published: BHBM mMyopia toolkit and BHBM mSafeListening Handbook.
- The BHBM team has been working closely with the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) to assist with identification of evidence-based, cost-effective, and scalable digital solutions for NCD prevention and control in countries. Global business case for implementation of digital health solutions is under development.