The ITU Academy continues to grow. As of October 2022:

  • 3 002people were trained.
  • 133 courses were delivered, 67 of which were through the Centres of Excellence (CoE) programme.
  • Several new courses were launched, including courses on:

    • Introduction to ITU’s Plenipotentiary Conference and Negotiation skills for women delegates
    • Child Online Protection
    • Americas Girls Can Code Initiative
  • Phase 2 of the Digital Transformation Centres (DTC) Initiative was launched with 13 DTCs from four ITU regions joining the kick-off workshop held in Geneva in March 2022.
  • 45 486 people, 19 398 (42%) of whom were women, were trained between January and June.
  • 6 268 citizens, of whom 4 337 (69%) were women, were trained in basic and intermediate digital skills through the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) funded project. As of October 2022, 10 446 citizens have been trained through the project since it launched in 2021.
  • This year, ITU and UNDP, through the Joint Facility for Digital Capacity Development began to develop the Digital Capacity Navigator, a tool for policy makers and government officials to find relevant digital capacity trainings based on a self -assessment. The Navigator is expected to be ready in the first half of 2023.