Generation Connect, launched in November 2020, aims to engage global youth as equal partners alongside the leaders of today’s digital change, empowering young people with the skills and opportunities to advance their vision of a connected future. Generation Connect is the overarching initiative of the ITU Youth Strategy, the three pillars of the Youth Strategy are: Engage, Empower and Participate.
Here are some 2021 milestones:
- The Generation Connect Visionaries Board was set-up to offer strategic guidance to ITU on our youth-related work as we implement the ITU Youth strategy and advocate for meaningful youth engagement.
- Generation Connect Regional Youth Groups share their views on the priorities, challenges and opportunities of their regions. The regional youth envoys continue to actively participate in diverse ITU regional and global initiatives.
- An ITU Youth Task Force was set-up to effectively coordinate and mainstream efforts across ITU, related to the implementation of the ITU Youth Strategy.
- The Generation Connect Video Pitch competition was launched as part of the ITU Innovation Challenges 2021 to encourage diverse young people to share their ideas about connecting the unconnected to close the digital divide.