Date Title Webcast A/V feeds


(UTC +01:00)
Opening Ceremony (CICG 1&2) - e/f
High Level Opening Session (CICG 1&2) - e/f
Floor English French
(UTC +01:00)
Press Conference (CICG 5) Floor
(UTC +01:00)
UAE - Closing the Connectivity, Content and e-Skills Gap (Room K) Floor
Kazakhstan - Informational Kazakhstan 2020 (Room A) Floor
AL C2 Infrastructure (ITU) (Room M) Floor
AL C9 Media (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) (Room C) Floor
Improving Education with ICT (INTEL) (Room H) Floor

Enabling Innovation at the Grassroots through Telecentres (Popov Room)

WSIS Stocktaking and WSIS Prizes (ITU) (Room L) Floor
(UTC +01:00)
Oman - Enabling Citizens: a Success Story of Augmenting National Knowledge Society, and Saving Lives on Roads (Room H) Floor

Rwanda - Rwanda approach for Universal Access implementation towards 2015 and beyond (Room M)

India - Empowerment through Mobile - innovative applications for socio-economic development (ONMOBILE GLOBAL LTD) (Room L) Floor
Israel - Israeli Technology - NGOs for Social Development and Education (Room A) Floor
AL C7 E-learning (UNESCO) (Room C) Floor
Bringing ICT closer to people � UAE and Hewlett-Packard (Hewlett Packard) (Room K) Floor
Technology-Enabled Governance Post-2015 (UNU and UNDESA) (Popov Room) Floor
Date Title Webcast A/V feeds



(UTC +01:00)
Kuwait - Towards e-Kuwait: Achievements and Aspirations (Coffee will be served before the workshop) (Kuwait) (Room C) Floor
AL C4 Capacity Building (ITU) (Room M) Floor
AL C7 E-agriculture (FAO/ CTA) (Room A) Floor
Emergency Telecommunications and Alerting: Saving Lives and Climate Change Adaptation efforts for DRR (ITU and WMO) (Room K) Floor
FOSS- Smart Choice for Developing Countries (Open Source Alliance of Central Asia/TechCentralAsia) (Room L) Floor
Civil Society and WSIS+10 (APC) (Popov Room) Floor
Measuring ICT and Gender (The Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development) (Room H) Floor
(UTC +01:00)
Spain - M-Health: A snapshot of the Spanish experience (, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism of Spain) (Room A) Floor
AL C7 E-health (WHO, ITU) (Room L) Floor
AL C3 Access to Information and to Knowledge, AL C7 E-science, AL C8 Culture, AL C10 Ethical Dimensions (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) (Room C) Floor
Open Innovation and Open Source Software (Oxfirst/Oxford University) (Room M) Floor
Bridging Prevention, Education and Intervention in an ICT Environment: Supporting a 360 Degree Approach to Child Online Protection (GKPF / Victim Support/ CTIC Foundation) (Popov Room) Floor

Environmentally Sound Management of E-Waste: Emerging Issues, Challenges and Opportunities (ITU and UNEP/Secretariat of the Basel Convention) (Room K)


Measuring the WSIS Targets (The Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development) (Room H)

(UTC +01:00)
Report on the World Summit on the Information Society Stocktaking 2013 (Room L) Floor
(UTC +01:00)
HL Dialogue No 1, Women�s Empowerment in the Information Society: Systemic, Scalable Strategies (Popov Room) - e/f
Floor English French
HL Dialogue No 2, Smart climate monitoring: Expanding access to information on weather, climate and water (Room C) - e/f
Floor English French
(UTC +01:00)
Russian Federation - Russia in the Information Society (Coff�ee will be served before the country workshop Russia in the Information Society) (Room A) Floor
M�xico - M�xico Conectado (Room K) Floor
Afghanistan - ICT & Decade of Transformation (National ICT Alliance of Afghanistan/TechNation) (Room H) Floor
AL C7 E-business (UNCTAD, ITC and UPU) (Room M) Floor
AL C6 Enabling Environment (ITU) (Room L) Floor
AL C7 E-environment (ITU,WMO,UNEP) (Room C) Floor
Multi-Stakeholder approach to Governance of the Internet (ICANN) (Popov Room) Floor
Date Title Webcast A/V feeds



(UTC +01:00)
WSIS +10 Visioning, Plenary 1 (Popov Room) - e/f Floor English French
(UTC +01:00)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Implementation of WSIS Outcomes in Saudi Arabia, Part 1 (Room C) Floor
The Power of Conversation: ITU Telecom World 2013 (ITU Telecom)  (Room H) Floor
ICT Apps for Persons with Disabilities (ITU / Informatici Senza Frontiere) (Room K) Floor
Information Technology Industry and GDP in World Economic Crisis (Iran University of Science and Technology) (Room L) Floor
Women Leaders 4 MDGs (International Network of Women Engineer and Scientist) (Popov Room) Floor
Speed Up! Towards a Generation of E-Literacy for All Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation (GKPF, IICD) (Room A) Floor
Online Dispute Resolution (Modria Inc) (Room M) Floor
(UTC +01:00)
HL Dialogue No 3, ICT Innovations and Standards (Room C) - e/f Floor English French
HL Dialogue No 4, Securing Cyberspace in a borderless world: Vision 2015 and Beyond (Popov Room) - e/f Floor English French
(UTC +01:00)
Bangladesh - Strengthening ICT Service Provision in Agricultural Sector and Engagement of Youth (Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID)) (Room L) Floor
AL C5 Cybersecurity (Popov Room) Floor
Towards a Disability Inclusive Development Agenda with ICTs (ITU) (Room K) Floor
Digital Literacy for Rural Youth Employment (Association Tunisienne de la Communication et des Sciences Spatiales) (Room M) Floor
ICT4D in WSIS +10: Recommendations from Academia (Spider, Stockholm University and Partners) (Room A) Floor
TIC et partenariat ONG/secteur priv� pour l'insertion �conomique des populations vuln�rables/ICT and NGO, private sector for the economic integration of vulnerable populations (ACSIS) (Room C) Floor
TASIM, EuraCA : New Platforms for Improving Connectivity in Eurasia, Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Republic of Azerbaijan (Room H) Floor
Date Title Webcast A/V feeds



(UTC +01:00)


Cybervolunteerism (ICVolunteers/Cybervolunteers) (Room A) Floor
Educating the masses about Internet Privacy and Cybersecurity best practices (Uraxs Communications) (Room M) Floor
Child online Protection in MENA and South East Asia (ITDMDC: Information Technology and Digital Media Development Center) (Room C2) Floor
Promoting Local IT Sector Development through Public Procurement (Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r Internationale Zusammenarbeit/Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development/UNCTAD) (Room H) Floor
Why We Need an ICT Profession to Grow Our Citizenry, Our GDP and Our International markets (IFIP) (Room L) Floor
I-Inform Alliance, Internet Governance Today (Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation; Not-For-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency; plus partners) (Room C1) Floor
(UTC +01:00)


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Implementation of WSIS Outcomes in Saudi Arabia, Part 2 (Room A) Floor
AL C1, C7eGov and C11 (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)/ Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM)) (Room K) Floor
1) e-Government Standard Framework(eGovFrame) � a standardized platform for e-Government (Ministry of Security and Public Administration (MOSPA)/National Information Society Agency (NIA)) (Room H) Floor
Establishment of COP National Framework (ITU and the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation) (Room L) Floor
To be or not to be identified - Hamlet's quandary in the digital era (Internet Society (ISOC)) (Room M) Floor
Brazil/ Balancing freedom of expression and intellectual property rights: case study of Brazil (ARTICLE 19 South America) (Room C1) Floor
(UTC +01:00)
Imeet you at WSIS: Community Networking Platform (Room M) Floor
(UTC +01:00)
HL Substantive Session Youth and ICTs Beyond 2015 (Room C1) Floor
HL Substantive Session ICTs and Post 2015 Goals (UNDP/ITU) (Room C2) Floor

Islamic Republic of Iran - Iran progress towards WSIS Action Lines (Room A)


Public Access to the Internet and the Role of Libraries as an Agent of Development (IFLA)  (Room K)


Cross-Networks Synergy (XNS) - Synergie Inter-R�seaux (SIR) (CESIR) (Room L)


Women and ICT careers (ITU/WICTAD) (Room H)

(UTC +01:00)

Remote Participation at WSIS Forum 2013 (ITU) (Room C1)

Ensuring Internet Access and Better Governance by Deepening Multistakeholderism (Media For Change/FICCI) (Room M) Floor
Promising Opportunities, for National Job seekers & SMEs (UAE) (Room K) Floor
Empowering women: ICTs for Women�s Entrepreneurship (UNCTAD, ILO) (Room H) Floor
ERICA: Electroencephalographic-based Resuscitaio Index Computer Aided (Research and Service Center for Disability, Integration and Rehabilitation, Padua University) (Room C2) Floor
The Elephant in the Room: Why the Economic Dimension Needs Higher Priority in Internet Governance Policy Debates (International Digital Economy Alliance (IDEA)) (Room L) Floor
Date Title Webcast A/V feeds



(UTC +01:00)
WSIS Action Line Facilitators Meeting (Room C) Floor
(UTC +01:00)
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (Popov Room) Floor English  French 
(UTC +01:00)
WSIS+10 Visioning Plenary II (Open to all WSIS Stakeholders) - e/f Floor English French
(UTC +01:00)
Closing Ceremony WSIS+10 Visioning Communiqu� Certificates (Popov Room) - e/f


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