List of ITU Member States
AFG Afghanistan XR3
AFS South Africa (Republic of) XR1
AGL Angola (Republic of) XR1
ALB Albania (Republic of) XR1
ALG Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) XR1
AND Andorra (Principality of) XR1
ARG Argentine Republic XR2
ARM Armenia (Republic of) XR1
ARS Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) XR1
ATG Antigua and Barbuda XR2
AUS Australia XR3
AUT Austria XR1
AZE Azerbaijan (Republic of) XR1
B Brazil (Federative Republic of) XR2
BAH Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) XR2
BDI Burundi (Republic of) XR1
BEL Belgium XR1
BEN Benin (Republic of) XR1
BFA Burkina Faso XR1
BGD Bangladesh (People's Republic of) XR3
BHR Bahrain (Kingdom of) XR1
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina XR1
BLR Belarus (Republic of) XR1
BLZ Belize XR2
BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) XR2
BOT Botswana (Republic of) XR1
BRB Barbados XR2
BRM Myanmar (Union of) XR3
BRU Brunei Darussalam XR3
BTN Bhutan (Kingdom of) XR3
BUL Bulgaria (Republic of) XR1
CAF Central African Republic XR1
CAN Canada XR2
CBG Cambodia (Kingdom of) XR3
CHL Chile XR2
CHN China (People's Republic of) XR3
CLM Colombia (Republic of) XR2
CLN Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) XR3
CME Cameroon (Republic of) XR1
COD Democratic Republic of the Congo XR1
COG Congo (Republic of the) XR1
COM Comoros (Union of the) XR1
CPV Cabo Verde (Republic of) XR1
CTI Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of) XR1
CTR Costa Rica XR2
CUB Cuba XR2
CVA Vatican City State XR1
CYP Cyprus (Republic of) XR1
CZE Czech Republic XR1
D Germany (Federal Republic of) XR1
DJI Djibouti (Republic of) XR1
DMA Dominica (Commonwealth of) XR2
DNK Denmark XR1
DOM Dominican Republic XR2
E Spain XR1
EGY Egypt (Arab Republic of) XR1
EQA Ecuador XR2
ERI Eritrea XR1
EST Estonia (Republic of) XR1
ETH Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) XR1
F France XR1
FIN Finland XR1
FJI Fiji (Republic of) XR3
FSM Micronesia (Federated States of) XR3
G United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland XR1
GAB Gabonese Republic XR1
GEO Georgia XR1
GHA Ghana XR1
GMB Gambia (Republic of the) XR1
GNB Guinea-Bissau (Republic of) XR1
GNE Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) XR1
GRC Greece XR1
GRD Grenada XR2
GTM Guatemala (Republic of) XR2
GUI Guinea (Republic of) XR1
GUY Guyana XR2
HND Honduras (Republic of) XR2
HNG Hungary XR1
HOL Netherlands (Kingdom of the) XR1
HRV Croatia (Republic of) XR1
HTI Haiti (Republic of) XR2
I Italy XR1
IND India (Republic of) XR3
INS Indonesia (Republic of) XR3
IRL Ireland XR1
IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) XR3
IRQ Iraq (Republic of) XR1
ISL Iceland XR1
ISR Israel (State of) XR1
J Japan XR3
JMC Jamaica XR2
JOR Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) XR1
KAZ Kazakhstan (Republic of) XR1
KEN Kenya (Republic of) XR1
KGZ Kyrgyz Republic XR1
KIR Kiribati (Republic of) XR3
KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis (Federation of) XR2
KOR Korea (Republic of) XR3
KRE Democratic People's Republic of Korea XR3
KWT Kuwait (State of) XR1
LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic XR3
LBN Lebanon XR1
LBR Liberia (Republic of) XR1
LBY Libya (State of) XR1
LCA Saint Lucia XR2
LIE Liechtenstein (Principality of) XR1
LSO Lesotho (Kingdom of) XR1
LTU Lithuania (Republic of) XR1
LUX Luxembourg XR1
LVA Latvia (Republic of) XR1
MAU Mauritius (Republic of) XR1
MCO Monaco (Principality of) XR1
MDA Moldova (Republic of) XR1
MDG Madagascar (Republic of) XR1
MEX Mexico XR2
MHL Marshall Islands (Republic of the) XR3
MKD North Macedonia (Republic of) XR1
MLA Malaysia XR3
MLD Maldives (Republic of) XR3
MLI Mali (Republic of) XR1
MLT Malta XR1
MNE Montenegro XR1
MNG Mongolia XR1
MOZ Mozambique (Republic of) XR1
MRC Morocco (Kingdom of) XR1
MTN Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) XR1
MWI Malawi XR1
NCG Nicaragua XR2
NGR Niger (Republic of the) XR1
NIG Nigeria (Federal Republic of) XR1
NMB Namibia (Republic of) XR1
NOR Norway XR1
NPL Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of) XR3
NRU Nauru (Republic of) XR3
NZL New Zealand XR3
OMA Oman (Sultanate of) XR1
PAK Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) XR3
PHL Philippines (Republic of the) XR3
PLW Palau (Republic of) XR3
PNG Papua New Guinea XR3
PNR Panama (Republic of) XR2
POL Poland (Republic of) XR1
POR Portugal XR1
PRG Paraguay (Republic of) XR2
PRU Peru XR2
QAT Qatar (State of) XR1
ROU Romania XR1
RRW Rwanda (Republic of) XR1
RUS Russian Federation XR1
S Sweden XR1
SDN Sudan (Republic of the) XR1
SEN Senegal (Republic of) XR1
SEY Seychelles (Republic of) XR1
SLM Solomon Islands XR3
SLV El Salvador (Republic of) XR2
SMO Samoa (Independent State of) XR3
SMR San Marino (Republic of) XR1
SNG Singapore (Republic of) XR3
SOM Somalia (Federal Republic of) XR1
SRB Serbia (Republic of) XR1
SRL Sierra Leone XR1
SSD South Sudan (Republic of) XR1
STP Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of) XR1
SUI Switzerland (Confederation of) XR1
SUR Suriname (Republic of) XR2
SVK Slovak Republic XR1
SVN Slovenia (Republic of) XR1
SWZ Eswatini (Kingdom of) XR1
SYR Syrian Arab Republic XR1
TCD Chad (Republic of) XR1
TGO Togolese Republic XR1
THA Thailand XR3
TJK Tajikistan (Republic of) XR1
TKM Turkmenistan XR1
TLS Timor-Leste (Democratic Republic of) XR3
TON Tonga (Kingdom of) XR3
TRD Trinidad and Tobago XR2
TUN Tunisia XR1
TUR Republic of Türkiye XR1
TUV Tuvalu XR3
TZA Tanzania (United Republic of) XR1
UAE United Arab Emirates XR1
UGA Uganda (Republic of) XR1
UKR Ukraine XR1
URG Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) XR2
USA United States of America XR2
UZB Uzbekistan (Republic of) XR1
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines XR2
VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) XR2
VTN Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) XR3
VUT Vanuatu (Republic of) XR3
YEM Yemen (Republic of) XR1
ZMB Zambia (Republic of) XR1
ZWE Zimbabwe (Republic of) XR1
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