| 2021
By 2050, the number of people aged 65 years or older is projected to reach 1.5 billion. "Ageing in a digital world - from vulnerable to valuable" is the first- ever report to be produced by ITU to raise awareness in the ICT sector on the importance of being prepared to respond to the needs and requirements of ageing populations. This report addresses the two global megatrends that reinforce each other: the emergence of digital technologies and ageing populations, both of which are predicted to bring about important socio-economic changes worldwide. The report aims to help ITU members and other stakeholders to understand digital opportunities and take advantage of new possibilities for economic, social and political growth from increased digital inclusion and age-friendly digital environments. It highlights trends, identifies good practices and possible solutions, and presents guidelines that can leverage the contributions of older generations, reduce their age-related vulnerability and foster their socio-economic development to achieve healthier and wealthier inclusive societies. It focuses on the role that ICTs can play in ensuring digitally inclusive communities in which older persons are active participants and valuable contributors. |
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