ITU's 160 anniversary

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Quality of Service Regulation Manual

Quality of Service Regulation Manual
Year: 2017
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Ensuring quality of service (QoS) in this ever-changing environment is increasingly critical. A harmonized and common approach to regulating QoS would enable greater quality prospects irrespective of the locations of the consumer and service provider. This manual refers to different standards and regulatory practices from different regions and countries worldwide noting that each region and each country has its own specificities. It is intended to be used as a guiding tool for telecommunication national regulatory agencies (NRAs) or government ministries in charge of QoS and QoE (quality of experience) parameters and measurements as defined by ITU-T, as well as enforcement mechanisms. It further introduces more hands-on information regarding the QoS and QoE big picture, as well as outlining practical approaches in QoS regulation for telecommunication/ICT services.

Table des matières

Also available in electronic file