ITU's 160 anniversary

Engagée à connecter le monde

Discours du Directeur du BDT

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3rd Inter-Regional Meeting for WTDC
Virtual Meeting  10 March 2022

Third Inter-Regional Meeting for WTDC
Opening remarks
Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Director, ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau,
10 March 2022
Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening to everyone, thank for you for joining us for IRM-3, our third and final WTDC Inter-Regional Meeting.

As this is our first physical gathering since Covid with full remote participation, I just wanted to say how nice it is to have you back here in the ITU.

I note of course that this meeting comes at a very challenging time in the world with the current crisis and our thoughts and prayers are with all those impacted for a peaceful and prompt resolution.

Before we dive into business, today is an important day for us in the BDT and in the ITU family. An important day to remember and never forget.

Three years ago today, an Ethiopian Airlines flight, heading to Nairobi, crashed shortly after take-off from Addis Ababa.
Our two dear colleagues, Maygenet Abebe and Marcelino Tayob, from the ITU Regional Office for Africa, were onboard. They were heading to a Centre of Excellence event in Nairobi.

Maygenet and Marcelino were committed and dedicated staff who worked hard to spread the vision of ITU and make the world a better place for their families and for all of us.
They are deeply missed and will always be remembered.
In their memory, I kindly invite you to stand and observe a moment of silence. Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, 

At the start of our IRM process, almost exactly one year ago today, I remarked that the success of our conference rests on our pre-event preparation.

Solid preparation is how we will ensure that our efforts deliver maximum impact, through clear, concrete, implementable and measurable outcomes that transform not just tomorrow’s digital landscape, but the lives of us all.

Our first two IRMs, and our series of RPMs, have been ensuring that this essential groundwork has been laid. At each of these meetings, we have welcomed many constructive contributions and fruitful exchanges of views. I am confident that this third and final meeting will succeed in helping clarify and consolidate regional positions, as well as giving us a deeper understanding of the views and positions of others, so that, together, together we can make rapid progress towards the consensus vital to a successful conference outcome.

Since our last meeting, as you all know, a consultation process was held amongst the membership regarding the venue. The consultation confirmed our members’ conviction to convene this conference for the first time in the African region and to appreciate and accept the kind offer of the Republic of Rwanda to host our next WTDC.  We continue to appreciate the support and cooperation of our friends and colleagues from Ethiopia.

I would like to take a moment to warmly thank Minister Paula Ingabire, for the commitment that the Republic of Rwanda has shown to the work of ITU in offering to host such a large and important event at very short notice. I personally visited Kigali with a small team a few days ago, and can confirm I am convinced that the excellent local facilities and the dedication and professionalism of the Host Country Team will ensure that our WTDC arrangements and facilities meet the very highest standards.

There is, of course, much work to be done, but we are thrilled to see the exceptionally high level of interest in the event. Our WTDC will, of course, be preceded by our first-ever ITU global Generation Connect Youth Summit, which is shaping up to be a very exciting and engaging event.

With its young, tech-savvy demographic, Rwanda is the ideal venue for our young delegates to come together to engage with the many emerging issues around digital technologies and their potential to drive development.

I encourage all delegations to actively support this event, and to consider including Youth Summit participants as part of your national or sector member delegations, to promote continuity between the Summit and WTDC, and to build the next generation of budding ITU delegates.

You’ll be hearing a little more about our Partner2Connect high level segment plans and preparations from my colleague during this IRM.
But just let me say that I am greatly encouraged by the initial response from ITU members, which I hope will translate into serious and substantive commitments and pledges when we formally open our P2C pledging platform on 16 March.

Distinguished delegates,

This third and final IRM will tackle several matters that have a direct bearing on the successful outcome of our conference.
RTOs have been working hard on final preparations, and the BDT Secretariat is already tracking a significant volume of proposals.
We will be presenting a summary of these during our meeting.
BDT is also working on assignment of work to the Committees, based on the Terms of Reference approved at TDAG. And based on your previous comments on the need to balance the work amongst committees.

We have prepared a discussion document for your consideration, and look forward to hearing your views. Work on the WTDC Action Plan and Declaration is also well underway, with a revision of the draft Action Plan that was discussed at TDAG now ready for your consideration.

This new revision is intended as a discussion document to stimulate further debate, and I am certain that those exchanges will point us firmly in the direction of the consensus that will assure a successful WTDC and produce impactful outcomes that deliver on our mandate.

We have just two days to complete our important work. So let us try to make the very best use of that short time by keeping our sights firmly focused on our goal, and our discussions centred around on the vital connectivity issues that our conference is mandated to address.
As always, the BDT Secretariat remains entirely at your disposal for any assistance you may require.

I thank all delegates once more for their commitment and their dedication. 

With that I am pleased to hand the floor to Minister Paula Ingabire, the Minister of ICT and Innovation, the WTDC chair designate and chair of this IRM. Her excellency is joining us virtually due to a last minute urgency and will be supported as needed by our TDAG chair Roxanne McKelvene Webber.

Thank you.