ITU's 160 anniversary

Engagée à connecter le monde

Manifestations organisées dans le cadre de la journée internationale des jeunes filles dans le secteur des TIC en 2016

Ministry for Information Society and Telecommunications

Podgorica, Montenego, 2016, April 28

ICT GIRLS DAY 2016: Peers workshop "Challenges and Opportunities in ICT"

In gymnasium "Slobodan Škerović", Volunteer Club held a peer workshop on "Challenges and Opportunities in ICT ', on the occasion of the International Day of Girls in ICT.

To pupils of secondary schools from Podgorica, volunteers from the gymnasium "Slobodan Škerović" presented through the workshop advantages and potential threats on the Internet. Also, they spoke about ways in which these kind of problems can be solved and how to provide assistance to those who suffer violence. Beside that they gave examples of violence and hate speech on the Internet, and also most common types of abusers, and how to file a report of any kind of cyber incidents and violence on the Internet.

Ministry for Information Society and Telecommunications, traditionally celebrates on April 28 International Day of girls in ICT, together with the member countries of the International Telecommunication Union.

International day of girls in ICT is celebrated with the aim of raising awareness among girls about the importance of information and communication technologies, in order to encourage girls to think about a career in the sector of information and communication technologies.

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