ITU's 160 anniversary

Engagée à connecter le monde

Forum régional sur le développement (RDF) et Réunion préparatoire régionale (RPM) pour l'Afrique en vue de la CMDT-14

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Within the budget available, fellowships may be granted to delegates from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and developing countries with a GDP per capita less than 2'000 USD, with priority to Least Developed Countries.

Air ticket and subsistence allowance

A full fellowship includes one return economy class air ticket by the most direct/economical route from the country of origin to the location of the meeting as well as a daily allowance to cover accommodation, meals and incidental expenses.

Due to budgetary constraints, the countries beneficiaries of a fellowship may have to contribute partly to the costs of the fellowship.

To request a fellowship

To receive a fellowship form, participants must first register on-line and tick the appropriate box on the form . The signed and approved fellowship form must be submitted no later than 2 September 2013.

Requests for fellowships arriving after the deadline will not be considered .

The signed fellowship form can be either scanned and e-mailed to OR faxed to +41 22 730 5778.