The transition from Analogue to Digital Terrestrial Television (TDT) allows to spectrum regulators that some part of frequency bands (in UHF) currently allocated to Broadcasting services, be re allocated to mobile services, in order to attend the growing demand of spectrum for mobile broadband services. That reallocated band is known as “Digital Dividend”, and its frequency range changes from region to region; in Americas it was considered from 698 to 806 MHz.
The effective use of the digital dividend is closely linked to the deployment of TDT, hence a good coordination between current and future mobile and broadcasting networks is required for that, in order to avoid harmful interferences that could disrupt such services. In addition to it, regional (and global) harmonization of these bands, and also their channel plans, is a relevant matter to be considered, aiming to foster the future deployment of IMT networks, in special in rural and remote areas.
All these topics will be dealt during the next WRC-15, and important activities are in progress on the region, to prepare it on this regard.
The Forum: “Digital Dividend in Americas Region” was performed Friday 12th July 2013, as the final activity of the “ITU Regional Radiocommunication Seminar for Americas (RRS-13-Americas)”, held at Asunción, Paraguay, from 8th to 12th July 2013, with the support of the Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL) of Paraguay. During this Forum it was shared the experience of several country cases, in the different subregions of Americas; it was complemented with the vision of other relevant stakeholders, as: Mobile Operators, Broadcasters, manufacturers.
Please find below the agenda and presentations performed during this Forum.
- CONATEL (Paraguay)
- ANATEL (Brazil)
- ANE (Colombia)
- SUTEL (CostaRica)
- COFETEL (Mexico)