APT Web Dialogue on WTDC Preparation
27 May 2020
Opening Remarks
Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau
International Telecommunication Union
Good afternoon colleagues in Asia Pacific region, Good morning and Good evening too for those who may joining from other parts of the world!
I hope you are all well and in good health.
I am very pleased to join you at this web dialogue on WTDC preparation.
Thank you for inviting the ITU. It is great to see many familiar names and faces of our Members, always exciting to reconnect with colleagues at every opportunity.
As Much as we are all enduring these very hard times of the COVID-19 pandemic, I am also pleased to note, and sincerely appreciate, the continued active participation and engagement of members in the activities of the BDT, including the TDAG web dialogues that we have had, ITU/UN webinars, and other COVID-19 response related activities, as well as collaboration on the ASP regional initiatives.
It is this spirit of collaboration that we need now more than ever.
The UNSG said it so well in his address to the digital community on WTISD …Information technology can be a beacon of hope, allowing billions of people around the world to connect.
That connectivity was more important than ever.
Leaving no one behind means leaving no one offline.
And that international cooperation on digital technology is essential not just to help defeat COVID-19 but to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
We at the Secretariat remain always at your disposal having repurposed our operations to be able to serve members.
As the post-corona future is unfolding, we are all compelled to find the right balance, and particularly to succeed in the next normal.
For us as the telecommunications/ICT community, it is important that we keep the connectivity agenda alive, and focus on ensuring high speed connectivity where it exists and getting the unconnected online.
I believe one thing remains more certain in these uncertain times and that is: the vital importance of connectivity…. The importance of our mission at the ITU
Next year is an important moment for the ICT sector. It is the WTDC 8-19 November 2021..
And to launch the preparations, we held two web dialogues in March and April to discuss the WTDC reform agenda.. the preparations.. the format of the conference.. how to engage the key stakeholders and how to develop a solutions based outcome..
We were pleased to see such a high interest amongst our membership and our pleased to have this opportunity today to share with you some of the thoughts that have already been generated to ensure that the WTDC is a conference that reflects the ICT development agenda that our members desire.
Our members are seeking a format that is effective, right from its preparation to the very end of the conference.
We will share with you this morning the outcomes of WTDC web dialogues that have been undertaken on this subject and also pointers to the proposals to TDAG next week.
This is the time to ask the hard questions;
Are we spending our time optimally at the conference?
Are we addressing the real developmental challenges and bringing solutions?
How can the discussions at WTDC also translate into actionable deliverables to bridge the digital divide?
Your views, as members from the Asia Pacific region are critical, and will serve as building blocks towards a better WTDC, a better BDT, and, ultimately, a better ITU that can more meaningfully serve you, our members.
This is really the moment.. the political will and understanding of the importance is there.. how can we ride that?? And bring meaningful, affordable and trusted connectivity to all
The five Asia Pacific Regional Initiatives adopted by the 2017 WTDC remain our roadmap for delivering on the priorities for the region…
We have connected those initiatives to our global programmes, our study groups work as well as the initiatives from other regions to synergize, maximize impact, and to drive forward a results based framework.
Strengthening the effectiveness of WTDC, will enable us achieve even much more in future.
I know that I can count on this region to create this dynamic new environment for ICT development.
The WTDC is a great platform for us to solidify our thoughts and craft plans that will address these challenges.
This is our moment to be bold, be innovative, be creative. The world is counting on us.
I look forward to your feedback, and to acting on your suggestions and proposals designed to take us where we all want to be. Our continued engagement is what will build a Fit4purpose BDT in the pursuit of meaningful connectivity for all.
Allow me to introduce to you, my colleague, Stephen Bereaux, who has recently joined ITU as BDT Deputy Director. He will be making the presentation on our work thus far. We also have our new ASP Regional Director Atsuko Okudo, and the team from Jakharta and Bangkok.
Thank you.