Primary school Zmaj Jova Jovanović and partner schools
Ruma, Serbia,
2015, April 23
project “Girls in ICT”
On April, 23rd partners of the project organized an open class and Skype conference. Girl students showed their presentations about gender equality,
famous and successful women in ICT. All presentations are added on TwinSpace (website for project purpose).
In Ruma, Serbian teacher of computer science Nataša Majstrović called former Minister of Telecommunication in Serbian Government Jasna Matić to speak
to girl students about International Girls in ICT day and her opinion about position of women in ICT in Serbia and all around world.
After that, there was a Skype conference in which partners of the project and their girl students participated.
Project lasts until June 1st, 2015.
Further activities of the project are:
Moodle workshops for girls (programming, web design, graphic, quiz, creating movie clips, animation…)
Visiting secondary school with IT departments
Communication between Girl students' communication via Edmodo and TwinSpace
Competition for girls (best work made by using tools they learn about in workshops)
Countries that are involved in project:
1. Serbia
2. United Kingdom
3. Turkey
4. Bosnia and Herzegovina
5. Bulgaria
6. Croatia
7. Cyprus
8. Estonia
9. France
10. Germany
11. Albania
12. Iceland
13. Italy
14. Latvia
15. Macedonia
16. Romania
Project Blog:
More about the project and the partners of the project you can find on this address: