ITU's 160 anniversary

Comprometida para conectar al mundo

Eventos del Día internacional de las Niñas en las TIC 2015

ITU, UN Women, Intel

Bangkok, Thailand, 2015, April 23


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) particularly its Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in collaboration with UN Women and Intel are organizing an event to celebrate the International Girls in ICT Day which is the fourth Thursday of April of every year. This year, the International Girls in ICT Day will be celebrated globally on 23rd April 2015.

The International Girls in ICT Day is a worthwhile effort as it provides a good opportunity to empower and encoruage girls and young women to consider studies and careers in the growing field of ICTs. The growing demand for a range of ICT skills around the globe presents a unique window of opportunity to properly position girls and women in the industry and provide them with the tools necessary to succeed.

This year, the celebration of the International Girls in ICT Day is supported by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology of Thailand (MICT), Asia-Pacific Telecentre Network (APTN), Development and Communication Knowledge Management (CCDKM) Sukhothai Thamathirat Open University. It will be held at the Foreign Correspondent's Club of Thailand (FCCT), Penthouse Floor, Maneeya Center, Ploenchit Road.


11:30 Girls in ICT Exhibition

12:30 Registration/Refreshment by invitation only

13:00 Welcome/ Opening remarks

Video message on Girls in ICT & Welcome Remarks by

Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Opening Remarks by Ms. Wilailuck Chulewatanakul, Inspector General, Ministry of ICT Thailand

13:15 UN Women

Introduction: Ms. Ryratana Rangsitpol, Country Programme Coordinator for UN Women Thailand. [presentation]

"Making women's voices and votes count - An ICT-based intervention in India" on behalf of IT4Change/KMVS by Ms. Anupama Suresh, representing FGE funded Programme [presentation]

13:50 Young Girls' Voice: Amita Krich, ten year old girl from Harrow International School speaking on "Girls and Cyber Bullying"

13:55 Women Role Model: Ms. Areewan Haorangsri, Secretary-General, Asia-Pacific Telecommunity [Biodata] [Curriculum Vitae]

14:15 Girls in e-applications: eEudcation - a girl representative from Pattaya, Ms. Araya Khuadphudsa who recently won 2004 Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific [presentation]

Engaging Girls in ICT through Making, Creating and Inventing, Ms Sattiya Langkhapin, Director of Corporate Affairs, Intel Thailand [presentation]

Girl representatives: Ms. Thanjira Sukkree, Miss Sojirath Thunprateep (awardees from Thailand National Software Contest 2015)

Finding from the report on girls and women is STEM along with other relevant initiatives, Miss Aliénor Salmon, Education Policy and Reform Unite, UNESCO Bangkok [presentation]

eGovernment - Ms. Sayuri Cocco Okada, Social Affairs Officer, Social Development Division, UNESCAP [presentation]

eAgriculture - Ms. Kewalin Malun, representative from the Northeastern [presentation] , Mr. Gerard Sylvester, Knowledge and Information Managment Officer, FAO [presentation]

eCommerce - Ms. Ketsaraporn Nammultriputtar, representative from the Northeastern and Ms. Kanchana Sermsripong, representative from the North [presentation] Microsoft YouthSpark by Ms. Supahrat Juramongkol, Community Affairs Manager [presentation]

eCulture - Ms. Supattar Tuydee, representative from Central, Bangkok

16:15 Awards & Group Photo

16:30 Conclusion

For more information, visit the event webpage: