ITU's 160 anniversary

Comprometida para conectar al mundo

Eventos del Día internacional de las Niñas en las TIC 2015

​​​​​​​​​Oracle Academy

Virtual event with participants from India, Indonesia and Taiwan, 2015, April 24​​

Oracle Academy in Asia Pacific organized a 2 hour virtual session over WebEx for College girls across Asia Pacific. Invitations were sent to all Oracle Academy members in Asia Pacific. Participants from this session came from India, Indonesia and Taiwan.

Over 4400 girls and 100 faculty members participated in the Girls in ICT day celebration. Oracle Academy invited Oracle Campus Recruitment to discuss the importance of showcasing your achievements and creating a good resume and cover letter to look for jobs in ICT.

It is well known that girls under play their accomplishments and require mentoring and support to create a job application that covers their talents and accomplishments.

Senior Manager for campus recruitment in Asia Pacific, Manognya Reddy addressed the girls and reiterated importance of a good resume. She also brought along a recent graduate and new joineee to Oracle – Chandana Neerukonda. This young and confident girl spoke from the heart about her passion for technology and her journey towards landing a job in software development.

She also spoke to the girls about being confident in what they do and not listening to the public perception of what a girl is capable of.

We received positive feedback from across the region on the presentation and the session. Girls are looking forward to more sessions of a similar nature and we are in talks with senior leaders to initiate them.

We thank Girls in ICT day organizers for their support! ​