Smartech Solutions
West Pokot, Kenya, 2015, April 23
West Pokot-Kenya, ICT Boot Camp
We held a one-week boot camp from April 23- April 30, 2015. This training was tailored for young girls who had just finished their high school training
awaiting transition into colleges, held in the WestPokot county-Kenya, St. Elizabeth Girls School.
The girls are accommodated in a rescue centre that was set up to protect girls from cultural practices such as early marriages and female genital
mutilation (FGM).
This year, being a first for the 100 girls, we held the event, for 1 week, where we did a breakdown of mini topics touching on ICT.
We were able to cover several topics spread out over the 1 week, where we lined up sessions, with a focus on:-
How to use Windows media player
How to make videos
ICT careers & opportunities
Hardware assembly
Internet & Email
Technology tools
Being a marginalized part of Kenya, with little or no access to the internet, it took creating the emails a whole mere 3 days but the girls
successfully created emails accounts.
It was theory learning with a hands-on practical on digital media and hardware
The girls completed the 1-week program with a more in-depth knowledge of ICT and realizing concepts which were briefly touched on in their current
ongoing ICT class at the school.