Page 1 - Use cases and requirements for the vehicular multimedia networks - Focus Group on Vehicular Multimedia (FG-VM)
P. 1


                                                                                                                                          Focus Group on Vehicular

                                                                                                                                          Multimedia (FG-VM)

                                                                                                                                          Use cases and requirements for the

                                                                                                                                          vehicular multimedia networks

                                                                                                   International           Focus Group on Vehicular Multimedia (FG-VM): Use cases and requirements for the vehicular multimedia networks
                                                                                              Place des Nations
                                                                                            CH-1211 Geneva 20

                                                                                           ISBN: 000-00-00-00000-0
                                                                                           ISBN: 978-92-61-30391-4

                                                                                         9 7 8 9 2 6 1 3 0 3 9 1
                                                                                         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

                                                                                           Published in Switzerland
                                                                                                   Geneva, 2020

                                                                                           Photo credits: Shutterstock
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