COVID Information

  1. Is there COVID-19 specific information related to participation in IRM-3?
  2. Is there guidance for room seating due to COVID-19 regulations?
    • Wearing a mask is required within ITU premises.

  3. What if there is an outbreak of COVID-19 within the meeting, either through an ITU staff or a delegate, and the need for transparency on that – especially if asymptomatic?
    • A contact tracing system will be in place during the entire event (through the RFID badges)
    • ITU Medical service will clinically manage potential symptomatic suspect cases, perform rapid antigen testing if necessary, and refer delegates to healthcare facilities if needed.
    • Current Swiss requirements for persons tested positive is to isolate for 5 days.
    • In the unlikely event that a participant (delegate or ITU staff) is developing severe symptoms requiring a hospitalization, the subsequent costs fall under the personal responsibility. Participants, especially those coming from a foreign country should ensure the health-related costs billed in Switzerland can be covered by their personal healthcare plan.

  4. What cleaning / air circulation will occur in the meeting rooms for both between meetings and at the end of each day? And what about the status of air conditioning/circulation in the ITU buildings?
    • The ITU meeting rooms air circulation capacities are modelled with the CARA dedicated application (developed by the CERN). The tool models the COVID-19 concentration in the air and is used in the ITU scenarios for Business Continuity.
    • The cleaning protocol with ITU premises is in line with the “clean and Safe" label

  5. What happens if the COVID-19 changes and travel would not be possible to attend ?
    • ITU will put in place contingency plans.​