The Network of Women (NoW4WTDC) encourages gender balance in the activities leading up to the World Telecommunication Development Conference, WTDC. In order to encourage the active participation of women in ITU-D events and promote their equal participation in ITU, six global fireside discussions are being held, hosted by each of the regions, where women delegates will have the chance to get inspiration from ITU’s work, learn more about the processes to effectively participate at WTDC and beyond and learn from each other as role models. From October 2021, the five fireside discussions were hosted by Europe region, Arab region, Africa region, Americas region, and CIS region successfully.
This is the sixth and global final fireside discussion organized by the Network of Women (NoW4WTDC) for Asia and the Pacific, which aims to share ITU’s work on specific areas of ICTs in the regions as well as the support for ITU Membership, thus inspire more women delegates to engage in dynamics ITU works and processes on the topic of “Being a delegate in ITU: what does it imply?”