�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Scope
������� 1.2���� Terminology
�2���� Symbols
�3���� Example usage of the graphic notation
�4���� Graphic notation for templates
������� 4.1���� Managed Object Class template
������� 4.2���� Package template
������� 4.3���� Name Binding template
������� 4.4���� Connections
�5���� References by attributes
�6���� Relationship Class template
�7���� Long labels
Appendix I � Graphic GDMO Instantiation
Appendix II � Requirements on Graphic GDMO
������ II.1���� Background
������ II.2���� Use of Graphic GDMO/GRM
������ II.3���� Requirements on a Graphic GDMO
������ II.4���� The Graphic GDMO shall minimally provide the following information
������ II.5���� The labels used in Graphic GDMO shall satisfy the following requirements
������ II.6���� The Graphic GDMO specifications shall provide an overview of Alphanumeric GDMO/GRM specifications
������ II.7���� Graphic GDMO may provide extensions illustrating use and implications of GDMO/GRM specifications