�2���� References
�3���� Abbreviations
�4���� Definitions
�5���� Metamodel
������� 5.1���� Definitions and conventions
������� 5.2���� Naming and scoping
������� 5.3���� Computational concepts
������� 5.4���� Implementation concepts
5.5���� Deployment concepts
������� 5.6���� Target environment concepts
Annex A
� Syntax of eODL
������� A.1���� Introduction
������� A.2���� Lexical conventions and grammar base
������� A.3���� Computational view
������� A.4��� �Configuration view
������� A.5���� Implementation view
������� A.6���� Deployment view
������� A.7���� Target environment
������� A.8���� Syntax of eODL
Annex B
� Metamodel to syntax mapping
������� B.1���� Introduction
������� B.2���� Signal and Signal Parameter
������� B.3���� Medium Type,
Medium, Media Set
������� B.4���� Consume and Produce
������� B.5���� Sink and Source
������� B.6���� Interface Type
������� B.7���� CO Types, Supports and Requires
������� B.8���� Provided and Used Port
������� B.9���� Artefact and Instantiation Pattern
������ B.10���� Implements Relation
������ B.11���� Implementation Element
������ B.12���� Software Component
������ B.13���� Assembly and Initial Configuration
������ B.14���� Constraints and Properties
������ B.15���� Target Environment, Node and
������ B.16���� InstallationMap
������ B.17���� InstantiationMap
������ B.18���� Deployment Plan
������ B.19���� Extern type
Annex C � Mapping to
������� C.1���� Introduction
������� C.2�� ��The
package eodl
������� C.3���� Structure
������� C.4���� Scoped names
������� C.5���� Mapping of computational concepts
������� C.6���� Mapping of configuration view
������� C.7���� Mapping of implementation concepts
������� C.8���� Omitting automatically generated
������� C.9���� Not mapped eODL concepts
������ C.10���� Predefined eodl package
Annex D � eODL
metamodel XML representation
Appendix I � Example:
Dining Philosophers
������� I.1���� �� Introduction
������� I.2���� �� Description
������� I.3���� �� Example in eODL
������� I.4���� �� Example in SDL-2000
Appendix II �
Information processing and tool support
������ II.1���� Introduction
������ II.2���� Modelling tool issues
������ II.3���� Generator tool issues
������ II.4�� ��Deployment tool issues