Recommendation ITU-T Z.100 (06/2021) Specification and Description Language – Overview of SDL-2010
Table of Contents
1 Scope
     1.1 Objective
     1.2 Application
     1.3 System specification
2 References
3 Definitions
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
     5.1 Specification and Description Language grammars
     5.2 Basic definitions
          5.2.1 Definition, type and instance
          5.2.2 Environment
          5.2.3 Validity and errors
     5.3 Presentation style
          5.3.1 Division of text
          5.3.2 Titled enumeration items
     5.4 Choice of grammar rules and rule names
6 Tool compliance
     6.1 Definitions of valid tools
     6.2 Conformance
7 Allocation of features of SDL-2010 to Recommendations
     7.1 Basic SDL-2010 – [ITU-T Z.101]
     7.2 Comprehensive SDL-2010 – [ITU-T Z.102]
     7.3 Shorthand notation and annotation in SDL-2010 – [ITU-T Z.103]
     7.4 Data and action language in SDL-2010 – [ITU-T Z.104]
     7.5 SDL-2010 combined with ASN.1 modules – [ITU-T Z.105]
     7.6 Common Interchange Format for SDL-2010 – [ITU-T Z.106]
     7.7 Object-oriented data in SDL-2010 – [ITU-T Z.107]
Annex A  Abstract syntax index
Annex B  BNF syntax index
Annex C  Compatibility
Annex D  Data defined in the package Predefined
     D.1 Rules for "=" (equal), "/=" (not equal), comparison, data signatures and literals
     D.2 Package Predefined overview
          D.2.1 Boolean
          D.2.2 Character
          D.2.3 String
          D.2.4 Charstring
          D.2.5 Integer
          D.2.6 Natural
          D.2.7 Real
          D.2.8 The mapping called Array
          D.2.9 Vector
          D.2.10 Powerset
          D.2.11 Duration
          D.2.12 Time
          D.2.13 Bag
          D.2.14 Bit and Bitstring
          D.2.15 Octet and Octetstring
          D.2.16 Process interface data (pid and Pid)
          D.2.17 Enumerated data
          D.2.18 Structure data
          D.2.19 Choice
          D.2.20 Exceptions for language defined sorts of data
          D.2.21 Support for ASN.1 character, symbol string and NULL types
Annex E  Reserved for examples
Annex F  Formal definition
Appendix I  Status of ITU-T Z.100, related documents and Recommendations
Appendix II  Guidelines for the maintenance of SDL-2010
     II.1 Maintenance of SDL-2010
          II.1.1 Terminology
          II.1.2 Rules for maintenance
          II.1.3 Change request procedure
Appendix III  Evolution of the Specification and Description Language
     III.1 Versions of the Specification and Description Language
     III.2 Differences between SDL-88 and SDL-92
     III.3 Differences between SDL-92 and SDL-2000
     III.4 Differences between SDL-2000 and SDL-2010