1)���� Changes to underlying styles to support
the Z.100 Microsoft Word macros����������
2)���� Update of Summary��������
3)���� Update of clause 1.5 �
Differences between SDL-92 and SDL-2000�������
4)���� Correction in clause 6.1 �
Lexical rules����
5)���� Corrections to diagrams in clause
10.5 � Remote procedures�������
6)���� New Annex B��
7)���� New Annex C��
8)���� Replacement text for Appendix I �
Status of Z.100, related documents and Recommendations����
9)���� Clarifications in Appendix II �
Guidelines for the maintenance of SDL�������
10)���� Corrections in Appendix III �
Systematic conversion of SDL-92 to SDL-2000����