Supplement 69 to ITU-T Y-series Recommendations (5/2021) Web-based data model for Internet of things and smart city systems and services
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Supplement
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview
7 General discussion on data formats and metadata
     7.1 Considerations for a standardized data format
     7.2 Conventional metadata and their primary uses and properties
     7.3 Web of things and IoT interoperability
8 Basic concepts and types of data model
     8.1 Types of data model
     8.2 Common data structures
9 Microdata formats for web data management
     9.1 Structured data
     9.2 Microdata format
     9.3 Leading microdata formats
10 Procedural metadata for semantic web of things
     10.1 Concept of procedural metadata
     10.2 Principle of procedural metadata