Supplement 49 to ITU-T Y-series Recommendations (11/2018) - ITU-T Y.3500-series – Cloud computing standardization roadmap
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Supplement
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Landscape of cloud computing from ITU-T perspective
7 Overview of cloud computing standard roadmap
     7.1 Introduction to standards development organizations (SDOs) for cloud computing
          7.1.1 ITU-T SG13
          7.1.2 ITU-T SG17
          7.1.3 ITU-T SG5
          7.1.4 ITU-T SG11
          7.1.5 ITU-T SG16
          7.1.6 ITU-T SG20
          7.1.7 ITU-T SG2
          7.1.8 JTC 1 SC 38 (Cloud Computing and Distributed Platforms)
          7.1.9 DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force)
          7.1.10 TM Forum
          7.1.11 ATIS
          7.1.12 Broadband Forum
     7.2 Analysis of deliverable to provide its category
8 ITU-T SG13
     8.1 Q17
     8.2 Q18
     8.3 Q19
     8.4 Analysis of ITU-T SG13 deliverables
9 ITU-T JRG-CCM (Joint Rapporteur Group on Cloud Computing Management) of ITU-T SG13 and ITU-T SG2
10 ITU-T SG17
11 ITU-T SG5
12 ITU-T SG11
13 ITU-T SG16
14 ITU-T SG2
15 ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 38
17 TM Forum
19 Broadband Forum
20 Metro Ethernet Forum