
Supplement 45 to the ITU-T Y-series Recommendations provides an overview of roles of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in smart sustainable cities (SSCs) primarily based on ITU‑T Recommendations. An SSC aims to improve quality of life (QoL), efficiency of urban operation and services, as well as competitiveness, ensuring that the needs of present and future generations with respect to economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects of cities and communities are met.

SSCs in general, share the goal of achieving an economically sustainable urban environment without compromising the QoL of their citizenry. A smart city and community strives to create a sustainable living environment for citizens using the Internet of things (IoT), enabled by ICTs.

An IoT-based infrastructure, enabled using ICTs, can continue to play a pivotal role in SSCs by functioning as a platform for the aggregation of information and data that can help government officials and citizens understand how the city is functioning in terms of resource consumption and services.