Supplement 40 to ITU-T Y-series Recommendations (11/2023) ITU-T Y.3600-series – Big data and data handling standardization roadmap
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Supplement
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Landscape of big data and data handling from an ITU-T perspective
7 Technical areas of big data and data handling
     7.1 Big data
     7.2 Data quality and management
     7.3 Machine learning
     7.4 Cloud computing
     7.5 Internet of things
     7.6 Security and privacy
     7.7 Deep packet inspection
     7.8 Big data-driven networking
     7.9 Open data
     7.10 Smart city
     7.11 Edge computing
     7.12 Distributed ledger technology
8 Conceptual model of big data ecosystem
9 SDO activities
     9.1 ITU-T
     9.1.1 SG 13
          9.1.2 SG 17
          9.1.3 SG 20
          9.1.4 SG3
          9.1.5 SG 16
     9.1.6 SG 5
     9.2 ISO/IEC JTC 1
     9.3 ISO/TC 69
     9.4 W3C
     9.5 OASIS
     9.6 Data Mining Group
     9.7 TM Forum
10 Gap analysis in big data and data handling standardization
Appendix I  Summaries of referenced standardization work items
     I.1 ITU-T references and associated summaries
     I.2 ISO/IEC JTC 1 References and associated summaries
     I.3 ISO/TC 69 References and associated summaries
     I.4 W3C references and associated summaries
     I.5 OASIS references and associated summaries
     I.6 Data Mining Group references and associated summaries
     I.7 TM Forum references and associated summaries