Table of Contents

�1���� Scope����������
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions�
������� 3.1���� Terms defined elsewhere����������
������� 3.2���� Terms defined in this Recommendation��������������
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms
�5���� Conventions�������������
�6���� General information on the oneM2M base ontology�
������� 6.1���� Motivation and intended use of the ontology����
������� 6.2���� Insights into base ontology������
�7���� Description of classes and properties��������������
������� 7.1���� Classes������������
������� 7.2���� Object properties���������
������� 7.3���� Data Properties������������
������� 7.4���� Annotation properties
�8���� Instantiation of the base ontology and external ontologies to the oneM2M system������
������� 8.1���� Instantiation rules for the base ontology������������
������� 8.2���� Common mapping principles between the base ontology and external ontologies��������������
�9���� Functional specification of communication with the generic interworking IPE��
������� 9.1���� Usage of oneM2M resources for IPE communication�����
������� 9.2���� Specification of the IPE for generic interworking�������������
������� 9.3���� Specification of the behaviour of a communicating entity in message flows between IPE and the communicating entity����
10���� FlexContainer specializations for generic interworking������������
������ 10.1���� Introduction�
����� �10.2���� Resource Type genericInterworkingService������
������ 10.3���� Resource Type genericInterworkingOperationInstance
Annex A � oneM2M specification update and maintenance control procedure����
Annex B � OWL representation of base ontology����
Appendix I � Mappings of selected external ontologies to the base ontology����
������� I.1���� ����������� Mapping of SAREF�����������