Rec. ITU-T Y.4469 (08/2020) Reference architecture of spare computational capability exposure of IoT devices for smart home
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview of SCCE of IoT devices for smart home
7 Characteristics of SCCE of IoT devices for smart home
     7.1 Supporting heterogeneous home devices
     7.2 Management for exposed computational capabilities of home devices
     7.3 Scheduling computational tasks
     7.4 Management for computational modules
     7.5 Connection status discovery
     7.6 Access control mechanism
8 Reference architecture of SCCE of IoT devices for smart home
     8.1 General architecture
     8.2 Functional components
          8.2.1 Exposure support functional component
          8.2.2 Computational capability publishing functional component
          8.2.3 Request handling functional component
          8.2.4 Task support functional component
          8.2.5 Task scheduling functional component
     8.3 Reference points
          8.3.1 Reference point SCCE-1
          8.3.2 Reference point SCCE-2
          8.3.3 Reference point SCCE-3
          8.3.4 Reference point SCCE-4
9 Common procedures of SCCE of IoT devices for smart home
     9.1 Registering and updating computational capabilities
     9.2 Subscribing computational capabilities
     9.3 Accessing computational capabilities
10 Security considerations
Appendix I  Use cases of SCCE in smart home
     I.1 Use case: SCCE promoting smart elderly care in smart home
     I.2 Use case: SCCE promoting smart voice control in smart home
     I.3 Use case: SCCE promoting smart video monitoring in smart home