�1���� Scope����������
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
������� 3.1���� Terms defined elsewhere�������
������� 3.2���� Terms defined in this Recommendation�����������
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms�������������
�5���� Conventions������������
�6���� Overview of NGNe functional extension to support the IoT��
������� 6.1���� IoT requirements motivating extensions and enhancement of NGNe��
������� 6.2���� The extension of functional entities���
������� 6.3���� The extension of reference points������
������� 6.4���� The extension of IoT components�������
������� 6.5���� Enhancement to NGNe capabilities�����
�7���� Functional entities extended to support the IoT��������
������� 7.1���� IoT end-point functions�����������
������� 7.2���� IoT transport control functions�������������
������� 7.3���� IoT data management functions����������
������� 7.4���� IoT service control functions��
�8���� Reference points extended to support the IoT�����������
������� 8.1���� Extended reference points internal to IoT-end-point functions
������� 8.2���� Extended reference points internal to IoT transport control
������� 8.3���� Extended reference points internal to IoT-data management
������� 8.4���� Extended reference points internal to IoT-service control
������� 8.5���� Extended reference points external to IoT-end-point functions��������������
������� 8.6���� Extended reference points external to IoT transport control
������� 8.7���� Extended reference points external to IoT-DMF������������
������� 8.8���� Extended reference points external to IoT-service control
�9���� Components extended to support the IoT���
������� 9.1���� IoT end-point components����
������� 9.2���� IoT transport control components������
������� 9.3���� IoT data management components����
������� 9.4���� IoT service control components�����������
10���� Capability enhancement to support the IoT���������������
������ 10.1���� Enhanced capabilities of transport functional entities
������ 10.2���� Enhanced capabilities of service control functional entities�����
������ 10.3���� Enhanced capabilities of content delivery functional entities�
������ 10.4���� Enhanced capability for application support functional entities�������������
������ 10.5���� Enhanced capability for the management functional component���������
11���� Security considerations������
Appendix I � Use-cases of the IoT architecture based on NGNe����
������� I.1���� Autonomic communications between IoT devices���������
������� I.2���� Autonomic data collection from IoT devices�����
������� I.3���� Autonomic service provisioning to the IoT user���������������