Rec. ITU-T Y.4211 (12/2020) Accessibility requirements for smart public transport services
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Accessible smart public transport services
7 Accessibility requirements for smart public transport services
     7.1 Overview of accessibility requirements for accessible smart public transport services
     7.2 Two-layer structure of accessibility requirements
     7.3 Accessibility requirements for the information layer
          7.3.1 Accessibility requirements applicable to all information types (I, II and III)
          7.3.2 Accessibility requirements for common information (type I)
          7.3.3 Accessibility requirements for selective information (type II)
          7.3.4 Accessibility requirements for targeted information (type III)
     7.4 Accessibility requirements for the interface layer
8 Accessibility profile requirements for smart public transport services
     8.1 Accessibility profile requirements for the information layer
     8.2 Accessibility profile requirements for the interface layer
Appendix I  Functional areas of accessible public transport services
Appendix II  Use cases indicating the need for accessible smart public transport services that benefit persons with disabilities and those with specific needs
     II.1 Use case 1. Person with low vision travel by metro
     II.2 Use case 2. Person with a physical disability riding on a bus
     II.3 Use case 3. Finding a way to the metro platform
     II.4 Use case 4. Paratransit service
     II.5 Use case 5. Temporal bus timetable changes