Table of Contents

�1���� Scope
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
������� 3.1���� Terms defined elsewhere
������� 3.2���� Terms defined in this Recommendation
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms
�5���� Conventions
�6���� Introduction of the edge-computing-enabled gateway in the IoT
�7���� Requirements of the edge-computing-enabled gateway in the IoT
������� 7.1���� Service layer interworking
������� 7.2���� Application layer interworking
������� 7.3���� Network QoS and time sensitiveness
�8���� Capabilities of the edge-computing-enabled gateway in the IoT
������� 8.1���� Protocol translation capabilities
������� 8.2���� Data processing capabilities
������� 8.3���� Remote updating capabilities
������� 8.4���� Network support capabilities
������� 8.5���� Management capabilities
�9���� Capability framework of the edge-computing-enabled gateway in the IoT
������� 9.1���� Application layer capabilities
������� 9.2���� Service support and application support layer capabilities
������� 9.3���� Network layer capabilities
������� 9.4���� Device layer capabilities
������� 9.5���� Management capabilities
������� 9.6���� Security capabilities
Appendix I � Examples of applicability of the edge-computing-enabled gateway in the IoT
������� I.1���� EC-enabled IoT gateway in crane control
������� I.2���� EC-enabled IoT gateway in product inspection