�1���� Scope����������
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
������� 3.1���� Terms defined elsewhere�������
������� 3.2���� Terms defined in this Recommendation�����������
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms�������������
�5���� Conventions������������
�6���� Introduction�������������
�7���� General characteristics of IoT DCE���
������� 7.1���� Provision of standardized uniform interfaces�
������� 7.2���� Discovery and exposure of IoT devices��������������
������� 7.3���� Collection and exposure of data to IoT applications�����
������� 7.4���� Collection and exposure capabilities of the connected IoT
������� 7.5���� Access to the capabilities of the connected IoT devices��������������
������� 7.6���� Security and privacy protection������������
�8���� Common requirements of IoT DCE��
������� 8.1���� Communication with the IoT devices�
������� 8.2���� Publication of the IoT device capabilities����������
������� 8.3���� Subscription to the exposed IoT device capabilities������
������� 8.4���� Access to the exposed IoT device capabilities�
������� 8.5���� Security protection and privacy preservation�
�9���� Reference architecture of IoT DCE���
������� 9.1���� Profile management functional component (PM-FC)��
������� 9.2���� Auth agent management functional component (AAM-FC)������
������� 9.3���� Application management functional component (AM-FC)��������
������ �9.4���� Device proxy management functional component (DPM-FC)���
������� 9.5���� Device proxy
������� 9.6���� Auth agent����
������� 9.7���� Interface DCE-1�����������
������� 9.8���� DCE device and external entities����������
10���� Common reference procedures of IoT DCE
��� ���10.1���� Registration of the IoT devices������������
������ 10.2���� Publication of the exposed IoT device capabilities�������
������ 10.3���� Subscription to the exposed IoT device capabilities����
������ 10.4���� Access to the exposed IoT device capabilities
11���� Security considerations������
Appendix I � Use cases of IoT DCE����
������� I.1���� Leveraging personal data integration for wearable devices�������
������� I.2���� Leveraging centralized controlling for home devices����
Appendix II � Implementation example of IoT DCE����