Table of Contents - Y.3164 (09/2024) - Requirements of joint development and operation for IMT-2020 networks and beyond

1	Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Introduction
6.1 Overview
6.2 Impacts on IMT-2020 and beyond
6.3 General framework
7 Process requirements of joint development and operation
7.1 Software onboarding
7.2 Acceptance testing
7.3 Deployment
7.4 Operation and monitoring
7.5 Requirement feedback
7.6 Interaction context management
8 Component requirements of joint development and operation
8.1 Joint development and operation server
8.2 Test framework
8.3 Data handling component
9 Component interface requirements of joint development and operation
9.1 Interface between joint development and operation pipeline and network software provider
9.2 Interface between joint development and operation pipeline internal components
9.3 Interface between joint development and operation pipeline and network management system
10 Template requirements of joint development and operation
10.1 General test case description template
10.2 Sensitive data filtering rules
Annex A � Test case description information model
A.1 Introduction
A.2 TestCaseDescriptor information element
A.3 TestDescription information element
A.4 SutInfo information element
A.5 PreConditions information element
A.6 Applicability information element
A.7 TestInput information element
A.8 ScriptExecution information element
A.9 RequiredTestOutput information element
Appendix I � Use cases of joint development and operation for IMT-2020 and beyond
I.1 Network function (NF) joint development and operation scenario
I.2 OSS joint development and operation scenario