Table of Contents - Y.3086 (09/2024) - Information-centric networking in networks beyond IMT-2020 � Requirements and functional framework enhancement to support machine learning

1	Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Introduction
7 Requirements of ICN-ML
7.1 Requirements from the ICN-ML data
7.2 Requirements from the ICN-ML model
8 Functional framework of ICN to support ML
8.1 Naming and mapping capability
8.2 Model monitoring and evaluation
8.3 ML specific control function (ML-SCF)
8.4 ML specific data function (ML-SDF)
9 Scenarios of ICN to support machine learning in IMT-2020 and beyond
10 Security consideration
Appendix I � Scenarios with ICN support ML
I.1 eMBB scenario with ICN support ML
I.2 mMTC scenario with ICN support ML
I.3 URLLC scenario with ICN support ML