�2��� �References�
�3��� �Definitions��
������ �3.1��� �Terms defined
������ �3.2��� �Terms defined in other
non-ITU standards��
������ �3.3��� �Terms defined in this
�4��� �Abbreviations���
�5��� �Introduction������
������ �5.1��� �Identity management
(IdM) overview���������
������ �5.2��� �Business drivers and motivations����
������ �5.3��� �Identity provider (IdP)�������
������ �5.4��� �NGN functional architecture and use of identifiers���
�6��� �IdM framework overview
�7��� �IdM in the context of NGN
architectures and reference models����
������ �7.1��� �General relationship
with NGN architectures and services���
������ �7.2��� �Recommendation ITU-T
Y.2011 (General principles and general reference model for NGN) reference models���
�8��� �Identity management framework���
������ �8.1��� �Identity lifecycle management���������
������ �8.2��� �Identity management
OAM&P functions����
������ �8.3��� �Identity management
signalling and control functions
������ �8.4��� �Identity management
federated identity functions�����
������ �8.5��� �Identity management
user and subscriber functions��
������ �8.6��� �Performance and
������ �8.7��� �IdM security����������
Bibliography��� �