�2��� �References
�3��� �Definitions
������ �3.1��� �Terms defined elsewhere�
������ �3.2��� �Terms defined
in this Recommendation���
�4��� �Abbreviations and acronyms������
�5��� �Conventions����
�6��� �General concepts for the AAA
������ �6.1��� �Overview�
������ �6.2��� �The AAA process
������ �6.3��� �AAA procedure����
�7��� �Application model for
authentication and authorization in NGN
�8��� �AAA architecture in NGN����������
������ �8.1��� �User to network access����
������ �8.2��� �User to network service attachment����������
������ �8.3��� �Authentication and authorization of user for access to 3rd
party service�
�9��� �Enrolment�
10��� �Authentication
����� �10.1��� �Authentication
����� �10.2��� �Procedure for
11��� �Authorization��
����� �11.1��� �Authorization aspects
for NGN���
����� �11.2��� �Authorization entities������
����� �11.3��� �Procedure for
12��� �Accounting�����
����� �12.1��� �Security accounting���������
����� �12.2��� �Functions for security
Appendix I � Authentication protocol for AAA in NGN��� �
������ �I.1��� ��� EAP protocol for
AAA service in NGN
������ �I.2��� ��� AAA protocols���
Appendix II � X.509 digital certificates as credentials��� �
Appendix III � Authentication and authorization use-case��� �
���� �III.1��� �Authentication and
authorization of user for network access��������
���� �III.2��� �NGN service provider
authentication and authorization of user for access to service/application��� �
���� �III.3��� �User authentication
and authorization of NGN providers�
���� �III.4��� �NGN provider
authentication and authorization of 3rd party service/application provider��� �
���� �III.5��� �Use of 3rd party
authentication and authorization service
Bibliography��� �