�1���� Scope��
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
������� 3.1���� Terms defined elsewhere���
������� 3.2���� Terms defined in this Recommendation����
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms�������
�5���� Conventions�����
�6���� General description���������
������� 6.1����Customized multimedia ring (CMR)��������
�7���� CMR service requirements���������
������� 7.1���� CRBT service requirements����������
������� 7.2���� CRT service requirements
�8���� CMR functional models�
������� 8.1���� Introduction����������
������� 8.2���� CMR functional models in call server-based environment������������
������� 8.3���� CMR functional models in IMS-based environment���������
������� 8.4���� CMR functional models in a converged environment�������
�9���� CMR QoS aspects�����������
10���� CMR security aspects����
11���� CMR charging aspects���
Appendix I � CMR use cases����
������� I.1���� �� CRBT service�����
������� I.2���� �� CRT service��������
������� I.3���� �� Interaction�����������
Appendix II � Advanced services and service features����
������ II.1���� Advanced services�
������ II.2���� Advanced features�
Appendix III � CMR basic operation scenarios in NGN����
����� III.1���� CRBT basic operation scenarios in NGN��
����� III.2���� CRT basic operation scenarios in NGN�����
Appendix IV � Example information flows for CMR functional models����
������ IV.1���� CRBT service information flows in call server-based environment���������
������ IV.2���� CRBT service information flows in IMS-based environment������
������ IV.3���� CRT service information flows in IMS-based environment with ring tones stored in MRP-FE����
������ IV.4����CRT service information flows in IMS-based environment with ring tones stored in ring tone server����
������ IV.5���� CRBT service information flows in PSTN/CS converged environment with application level convergence����
������ IV.6���� CRBT service information flows in PSTN/CS converged environment with service control on PSTN side����
������ IV.7���� CRBT service information flows in a PSTN/CS converged environment with service control on call server side����
Appendix V � CRBT in PSTN/CS/IMS converged environment����
������� V.1���� CRBT service functional model in PSTN/CS/IMS converged environment�������������