�2��� �References�
�3��� �Definitions��
������ �3.1��� �Terms defined elsewhere����
������ �3.2��� �Terms defined in this Recommendation�������
�4��� �Abbreviations and acronyms��������
�5��� �Overview and high-level requirements������
������ �5.1��� �Introduction�����������
������ �5.2��� �High-level requirements������
�6��� �CSF functional architecture and
functional entities�
������ �6.1��� �Convergence
coordination functional entity (CC-FE)����������
������ �6.2��� �Network support
functional entity (NS-FE)
������ �6.3��� �Edge support
functional entity (ES-FE)�������
������ �6.4��� �Client support functional entity (CLS-FE)���
������ �6.5��� �Convergence policy functional entity (CP-FE)��������
�7��� �Context of CSF within NGN�������
������ �7.1��� �Relationship to NGN functional architecture�����������
������ �7.2��� �Service convergence types�
Appendix I � CSF use cases��� �
������ �I.1��� ��� Voice and presence service converged service������
������ �I.2��� ��� Call forwarding �
Video conferencing converged service���
������ �I.3��� ��� Movement of
conference call from a fixed client to mobile client����
������ �I.4��� ��� Hybrid solution for
a cross-network video + phone converged service (video on demand point of sale service using the CSF support and
coordination functional entities)��� �
������ �I.5��� ��� Integrating
information to improve customer service����������
Appendix II � Standards related to CSF��� �
����� �II.1��� �CSF relationship to OSA/Parlay�����
����� �II.2��� �CSF relationship to OMA and OSE�����������
����� �II.3��� �CSF relationship to underlying networks�����
Appendix III � Examples of three converged service
types��� �
���� �III.1��� �Type 1 example:
Converged service in a single service component��
���� �III.2��� �Type 2 example:
Converged service in multiple service components (PIEA + IMS)�
���� �III.3��� �Type 3 example:
Converged service with other network � IMS + Internet IM server�����������
Appendix IV � CC-FE to CC-FE interworking description models���
����� �IV.1��� �Hierarchical
convergence model����
����� �IV.2��� �Master-slave convergence model��
����� �IV.3��� �Peer-to-peer convergence model��
Appendix V � CSF configuration models��� �
Bibliography��� �