1     Scope     
 2     References         
 3     Definitions         
 4     Abbreviations     
 5     Conventions       
 6     General principles of the NGN functional architecture 
 7     Overview of the NGN architecture       
        7.1     Transport stratum functions         
        7.2     Service stratum functions
        7.3     End-user functions           
        7.4     Management functions    
 8     NGN concepts   
        8.1     Mobility levels in the NGN architecture  
        8.2     NGN service architecture
        8.3     Network topology hiding functions and NAPT traversal functions       
        8.4     Overload control  
        8.5     Charging and accounting functions (CAFs)        
 9     Generalized NGN functional architecture         
        9.1     NGN functional entities (FEs)     
        9.2     Generalized functional architecture         
        9.3     Functional entity descriptions      
10     NGN components         
       10.1     NGN service-specific components         
       10.2     NGN transport-specific components      
11     Security considerations 
Appendix I � Examples of NGN network configurations     
        I.1            Configurations and topology of the NGN    
        I.2            Relationship between the NGN and administrative domains           
        I.3            Relationship between the NGN and service domains           
        I.4            Enterprise role model 
        I.5            Functional roles          
Appendix II � Transport-stratum access network scenarios     
       II.1     Introduction         
       II.2     Scenario 1: Multi-layered transport stratum        
       II.3     Scenario 2: Access aggregation using layer 2      
       II.4     Scenario 3: Access aggregation using layer 3      
       II.5     Scenario 4: Multi-stage policy enforcement        
       II.6     Scenario 5: Partitioning into transport-layer traffic subdomains 