Table of Contents

�1���� Introduction and Scope������������
������� 1.1���� Introduction������
������� 1.2���� Scope�
�2���� References���
�3���� Abbreviations, acronyms and conventions����������
������� 3.1���� Abbreviations and acronyms��������
������� 3.2���� Conventions�����
�4���� Transfer capacity, capacity agreements, and the applicability of QoS classes�������������
�5���� Network performance objectives������������
������� 5.1���� General discussion of QoS�������������
������� 5.2���� Reference path for UNI to UNI QoS������������
������� 5.3���� Network QoS classes�������
�6���� Availability objectives��������������
�7���� Achievement of the performance objectives�������
�8���� Concatenating network sections and their QoS values�������
������� 8.1���� Introduction������
������� 8.2���� Composing UNI-UNI values���������
������� 8.3���� Impairment accumulation procedures��������
�9���� Security��������
Appendix I � ATM network QoS support of IP QoS����
Appendix II � IP delay variation parameter definition considerations����
Appendix III � Example hypothetical reference paths for validating the IP performance objectives����
����� III.1���� Number IP nodes in the HRP��������
����� III.2���� Example computations to support end-end class 0 and class 1 delay�
����� III.3���� Example end-end class 1 delay computation�����������
����� III.4���� Example computations to support end-end class 4 delay������
���� �III.5���� Loading within the HRP
����� III.6���� Geostationary satellites within the HRP�����
Appendix IV � Example calculations of IP packet delay variation����
������ IV.1���� Contributors to IP packet delay variation�
������ IV.2���� Models and calculation procedures to establish an upper bound to the IPDV���
������ IV.3���� Calculation examples����
Appendix V � Material relevant to IP performance measurement methods����
Appendix VI � Applicability of the Y.1221 transfer capabilities and IETF differentiated services to IP QoS classes����
Appendix VII � Effects of network QoS on end-to-end speech transmission performance as perceived by the user����
����� VII.1���� Example VoIP calculations with ITU-T Y.1541 class 0 network performance�
����� VII.2���� Example VoIP calculations with ITU-T Y.1541 class 1 network performance�
����� VII.3���� Speech quality calculations for ITU-T Y.1541 hypothetical reference paths����
Appendix VIII � Effects of IP network performance on digital television transmission QoS����
��� �VIII.1���� Introduction���
���� VIII.2���� Hypothetical reference endpoint (HRE) for high-bandwidth video signals�������
���� VIII.3���� Service profiles and end-to-end packet performance requirements����
���� VIII.4���� Forward error correction (FEC)/Interleaving to improve UNI-UNI performance�������������
���� VIII.5���� Laboratory assessment of forward error correction (FEC)/Interleaving effectiveness����
���� VIII.6���� Additional performance parameters���������
���� VIII.7���� Further analysis with advanced FEC schemes��������
���� VIII.8�� ��Analysis of retransmission schemes����������
���� VIII.9���� Recovery from errors and losses due to protection switching schemes��������������
Appendix IX � Effects of network QoS on end-to-end data transmission performance using TCP����
������ IX.1���� Introduction����
������ IX.2���� Model of TCP performance���������
������ IX.3���� TCP hypothetical reference endpoint (HRE)������������
������ IX.4���� Observations���
������ IX.5���� Summary of TCP capacity estimates��������
Appendix X � An example showing how to calculate IPDV across multiple sections�� ��
������� X.1���� Calculation of delay variation�����
������� X.2���� Mathematical background�����������
������� X.3���� Special cases����
������� X.4���� Estimating skewness from quantiles�����������
Appendix XI � Digital circuit (ISDN) emulation requirements on IP-based networks ����
������ XI.1���� Introduction����
������ XI.2���� Packetization and transport assumptions�
������ XI.3���� Range of packet loss requirements�������������
������ XI.4���� Effect of forward error correction���������������