�1���� Scope����������
Abbreviations and acronyms�������������
Layered model of performance for IP
Generic IP service performance model���������
������� 5.1���� Network components
������� 5.2���� Exchange links and network
������� 5.3���� Measurement points and
measurable sections�������������
������� 5.4���� IP packet transfer reference
events (IPREs)�����
������� 5.5���� IP packet transfer outcomes��
IP packet transfer performance parameters
�� �����6.1���� Packet qualifications�
������� 6.2���� IP packet transfer delay�����������
������� 6.3���� IP packet error ratio (IPER)�����
������� 6.4���� IP packet loss ratio (IPLR)��������
������� 6.5���� Spurious IP packet rate������������
������� 6.6���� IP packet reordered ratio
������� 6.7���� IP packet severe loss block
ratio (IPSLBR)���������
������� 6.8���� IP packet duplicate ratio
������� 6.9���� Replicated IP packet ratio
������ 6.10���� Stream repair parameters�����
������ 6.11���� Capacity parameters
������ 6.12���� Flow-related parameters�������
IP service availability�������������
������� 7.1���� IP service availability
������� 7.2���� IP service availability
Annex A � IP-based capacity and
flow-related parameters and methods of measurement����
������� A.1���� Background��
������� A.2���� IP-layer access capacity
parameters and methods of measurement (consumer Internet access)����
������� A.3���� Flow-related throughput
parameters and methods of measurement (reliable delivery transport)����
������� A.4���� Plan to qualify and compare
access measurement methods����
Annex B � Additional search algorithm for
IP-based capacity parameters� and
methods of measurement����
������� B.1���� Search algorithm��������
Appendix I � IP packet routing
Appendix II � Secondary terminology for
IP packet delay variation����
������ II.1���� Introduction��
������ II.2���� Definition of inter-packet
delay variation����������
������ II.3���� Definition of 1-point packet
delay variation������
��� ���II.4���� Guidance on applying the
different parameters�������������
Appendix III � Rate and throughput
capacity related parameters����
Appendix IV � Tests of IP service
availability state and sampling estimation of IP service availability
������ IV.1���� Minimal test of IP service
availability state (for test methodologies and test sets)����������
������ IV.2���� Test of IP service
availability state (using sequential probability ratio test)��������
������ IV.3���� Alternate test of
statistical significance to determine IP service availability��������
������ IV.4���� Sampling estimation of IP
service availability��
Appendix V � Material relevant to IP
performance measurement methods����
Appendix VI � Background on IP service
������ VI.1���� Introduction�
������ VI.2���� Background��
������ VI.3���� Definitions of the regions
in Figure VI.1������������
������ VI.4���� Summary�������
Appendix VII � Packet performance
parameters for estimation� and optimization of stream repair techniques����
����� VII.1���� Introduction
����� VII.2���� Short description of
application-layer stream repair techniques������������
����� VII.3���� Simple model of
application-layer stream repair techniques���
����� VII.4���� Example of performance
parameters to characterize stream repair variables���
����� VII.5���� Discussion of parameter
measurement and usage�������
����� VII.6���� Additional considerations�������
Appendix VIII � IP-layer capacity
���� VIII.1���� Introduction
���� VIII.2���� Terminology and relation to
IETF RFC 5136������
���� VIII.3���� Items for further study������������
Appendix IX � Explanation of TCP-based
measurement inadequacy to meet normative requirements����
������ IX.1���� Introduction�
������ IX.2���� Comparison with normative
Appendix X � Summary of Laboratory (Phase
1) and Field (Phase 2) results:� Annex A evaluation plan����
������� X.1���� Introduction�
����� Page
������� X.2���� Phase 1 laboratory test set-up��������������
������� X.3���� Detailed test set-up��
������� X.4���� Test tools�������
������� X.5���� Calibration of reported
results with iPerf 2������
������� X.6���� Summary of test approach and
������� X.7���� Summary of tests comparing
measured capacity vs calibrated PHY rates������������
������� X.8���� Summary of tests comparing
measured capacity vs round-trip delay����
������� X.9���� Summary of tests with
competing traffic����������
������ X.10���� Tests with early
implementation of a new UDP testing tool�����
������ X.11���� Tests of the effects of
low-level packet loss���
������ X.12���� Examination of the maximum
transmission limitations of the test tools and platform��
������ X.13���� Examination of tests with
early impairments on UDP streams
������ X.14���� Examination of TBF shaper
parameters used in tests and comparison with policer filter����
������ X.15���� Summary of Phase 1
laboratory testing�����������
������ X.16���� Platform specifications�����������
������ X.17���� Summary of Phase 2 field
test results
Appendix XI � A brief survey on Internet
access related QoS and QoE research����
������ XI.1���� Introduction�
������ XI.2���� Key findings��
������ XI.3���� Analysis of research
publications related to QoS and QoE measurements���������
������ XI.4���� General tendencies related
to Internet access performance����
Appendix XII � Accurate bit rate
����� XII.1���� Introduction�
����� XII.2���� Key findings��
����� XII.3���� Header size inflicted
bandwidth measurement error estimation������������
����� XII.4���� Example overhead calculation
for a wireline IEEE 802.3 Ethernet interface�������
����� XII.5���� Description of token bucket
filter functionality��������������
Appendix XIII � IP-based flow-related
parameters and methods of measurement����
���� XIII.1���� Background��
���� XIII.2���� Why MBM meets the
requirements of this Recommendation
���� XIII.3���� Role and status of the MBM
method of measurement
���� XIII.4���� Test stream selection
���� XIII.5���� Measurement points
���� XIII.6���� Target model parameter
���� XIII.7���� Setting acceptance criteria
and interpreting the results�������������
���� XIII.8���� Test methods��������������
���� XIII.9���� Example(s)���