Introduction���� ��
Normative references
������� 2.1���� Identical Recommendations | International Standards
������� 2.2���� Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in
technical content
�3 ����Definitions
General overview
Security exchanges
������� 6.1���� Security exchange model
������� 6.2���� Notation for specifying security exchanges
Security transformations
������� 7.1���� Security transformation model
������� 7.2���� Notation for specifying security transformations
Abstract syntax notation for selective field protection
������� 8.1���� Basic notation
������� 8.2���� Notation with transformation qualifier
������� 8.3���� Mapping protection requirements to security transformations
������� 8.4���� Notation for specifying protection mappings
Annex A � ASN.1 definitions
Annex B � Registration of security exchanges and security transformations
Annex C � Security exchange specifications
Annex D � Security transformation specifications
Annex E � Protection mapping specifications
Annex F � Object identifier usage
Annex G � Guidelines for the use of generic upper layers security facilities
Annex H � Relationship to other standards
Annex I � Examples of use of the generic upper layers security facilities
Annex J � Bibliography