�1���� Scope
�2���� Normative references
������� 2.1���� Identical Recommendations | International Standards
������� 2.2���� Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
�3���� Definitions
������� 3.1���� Management framework definitions
������� 3.2���� Systems management overview definitions
������� 3.3���� CMIS definitions
������� 3.4���� Management information model definitions
������� 3.5���� Guidelines for the definition of managed objects definitions
���� ���3.6���� Requirement and guidelines for implementation conformance statement proformas associated with OSI management definitions
������� 3.7���� State management function definitions
������� 3.8���� Additional definitions
�4���� Abbreviations
�5���� Conventions
�6���� Requirements
�7���� Model
������� 7.1���� Managed relationships
������� 7.2���� Relationship mappings
������� 7.3���� Re-usable specifications
������� 7.4���� Representation and management of managed relationships
�8���� Generic definitions
������� 8.1���� Relationship management operations and notification
������� 8.2���� Managed object class � genericRelationshipObject
������� 8.3���� Name binding � genericRelationshipObject-system
������� 8.4���� Attributes
������� 8.5���� Attribute group � relationships
������� 8.6���� Parameters
Annex� A � Relationship templates
������� A.1���� Relationship class template
������� A.2���� Relationship mapping template
Annex� B � Definition of management information
������� B.1���� Allocation of object identifiers
������� B.2���� Definition of managed object classes
������� B.3���� Definition of name bindings
������� B.4���� Definition of attributes
������� B.5���� Definition of parameters
������� B.6���� Abstract syntax definitions
Annex� C � Managed relationship conformance statement proforma for General Relationship Model
������� C.1���� Introduction
������� C.2���� Instructions for completing the MRCS proforma
������� C.3���� Symbols, abbreviations and terms
������� C.4���� Managed relationship support

Annex� D � MIDS (attribute) proforma
������� D.1���� Introduction
������� D.2���� Attributes
������� D.3���� Parameters
Annex� E � Illustration of representation methods
Annex� F � Examples of use of templates
������� F.1���� Allocation of object identifiers
������� F.2���� Symmetric relationship example
������� F.3���� Dependency relationship example
������� F.4���� General composition relationship example
������� F.5���� Access control domain example
Annex� G � Commentary
������� G.1���� Introduction
��� ����G.2���� Dependency between managed objects in a managed relationship
������� G.3���� Consistency of views
������� G.4���� Expression of relationship management operations and notifications
������� G.5���� Generic management
������� G.6���� Relationship awareness
������� G.7���� Role specification
������� G.8���� Re-use of specifications
������� G.9���� AND SUBCLASSES
������ G.10���� Relationship between relationships
������ G.11���� Naming Scope of relationship objects
������ G.12���� Allowable representation methods