Introduction���� �� 
�1���� Scope
�2���� Normative references
������� 2.1���� Identical Recommendations | International
������� 2.2���� Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
������� 2.3���� Additional references
�3���� Definitions
������� 3.1���� Basic Presentation Service definition
������� 3.2���� Specification of Basic Notation
������� 3.3���� Information Object Specification
������� 3.4���� Constraint Specification
������� 3.5���� Parameterization of ASN.1 Specification
������� 3.6���� Basic Encoding Rules
������� 3.7���� Additional definitions
�4���� Abbreviations
�5���� Notation
�6���� Convention
�7���� Encoding rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard
�8���� Conformance
�9���� The approach to encoding used for PER
������� 9.1���� Use of the type notation
������� 9.2���� Use of tags to provide a canonical order
������� 9.3���� PER-visible constraints
������� 9.4���� Type and value model used for encoding
������� 9.5���� Structure of an encoding
������� 9.6���� Types to be encoded
10���� Encoding procedures
������ 10.1���� Production of the complete encoding
������ 10.2���� Open type fields
������ 10.3���� Encoding as a non-negative-binary-integer
������ 10.4���� Encoding as a 2�s-complement-binary-integer
������ 10.5���� Encoding of a constrained whole number
������ 10.6���� Encoding of a normally small non-negative whole number
������ 10.7���� Encoding of a semi-constrained whole number
������ 10.8���� Encoding of an unconstrained whole number
������ 10.9���� General rules for encoding a length determinant
11���� Encoding the boolean type
12���� Encoding the integer type
13���� Encoding the enumerated type
14���� Encoding the real type
15���� Encoding the bitstring type
16���� Encoding the octetstring type
17���� Encoding the null type
18���� Encoding the sequence type
19���� Encoding the sequence-of type
20���� Encoding the set type
21���� Encoding the set-of type
22���� Encoding the choice type
23���� Encoding the object identifier type
24���� Encoding the EMBEDDED-PDV type
25���� Encoding of a value of the external type
26���� Encoding the restricted character string types
27���� Encoding the unrestricted character string type
28���� Object identifiers for transfer syntaxes
Annex A � Example of encodings
������� A.1���� Record that does not use subtype constraints
������� A.2���� Record that uses subtype constraints
������� A.3���� Record that uses extension markers
������� A.4���� Record that uses extension addition groups
Annex B � Observations on combining PER-visible constraints
Annex C � Support for the PER algorithms
Annex D � Support for the ASN.1 rules of extensibility
Annex E � Tutorial annex on concatenation of PER encodings
Annex F � Assignment of object identifier values