�1���� Scope
�2���� Normative References
������� 2.1���� Identical Recommendations | International Standards
������� 2.2���� Other normative references
�3���� Terms and Definitions
������� 3.1���� ASN.1 notation
������� 3.2���� Registration authorities
������� 3.3���� Network terms
������� 3.4���� Additional definitions
�4���� Abbreviations
�5���� Notation
�6���� UUID structure and representation
������ �6.1���� UUID field structure
������� 6.2���� Binary representation
������� 6.3���� Representation as a single integer value
������� 6.4���� Hexadecimal representation
������� 6.5���� Formal syntax of the hexadecimal representation
�7���� Use of a UUID to form an OID��
�8���� Use of a UUID to form a URN��
�9���� Rules for comparison and ordering of UUIDs
10���� Validation
11���� The variant bits
12���� Use of UUID fields and transmission byte order
������ 12.1���� General
������ 12.2���� Version���
����� 12.3 �����Time���
������ 12.4���� Clock Sequence
������ 12.5���� Node���
13���� Setting the fields of a time-based UUID��
14���� Setting the fields of a name-based UUID��
15���� Setting the fields of a random-number-based UUID��
16���� Registration of UUIDs and their use as OID components
������ 16.1���� The ASN.1 OID tree
������ 16.2���� Appointment of registration authorities
������ 16.3���� Fees��
������ 16.4���� Registration procedures
����������������� 16.4.1���� Application for registration of a UUID��
����������������� 16.4.2���� Confirmation process
����������������� 16.4.3���� Content of application
������ 16.5���� Maintenance of a Web-based register
Annex A � Algorithms for the efficient generation of time-based UUIDs����
������� A.1���� Basic algorithm��
������� A.2���� Reading stable storage
������� A.3���� System clock resolution
������� A.4���� Writing stable storage
������� A.5���� Sharing state across processes
Annex B � Properties of name-based UUIDs����
Annex C � Generation of random numbers in a system����
Annex D � Sample implementation����
������� D.1���� Files provided
������� D.2���� The copyrt.h file
������� D.3���� The uuid.h file
������� D.4���� The uuid.c file
������� D.5���� The sysdep.h file
� ������D.6���� The sysdep.c file
������� D.7���� The utest.c file
������� D.8���� Sample output of utest��
������� D.9���� Some name space IDs